On which issues is Trump teachable?

I think the easiest issue on which Trump can be swayed by his advisors and people in the military is that the NATO alliance is **serious business **and you don’t welch on that just because you don’t feel like defending Estonia - that if a NATO partner is attacked, you uphold Article Five and send in the military, period.

I doubt he will budge much on the Syrian refugee issue - that’s one of the easiest things for him to stick to his guns on, given that there are almost no consequences to him for upholding his vow to reduce their immigration - but what other things can Trump be persuaded to change his mind about?

Trump is teachable on every issue. He’s a narcissist, not a policy wonk. The problem is, what has Article 5 ever said that was nice about Trump?

Virtually all of them. Based on his all over the map views in recent years.

I do remember a few months back how conservative Hispanics got Trump to tell them how he was going to moderate a lot of his immigration ideas, only for them to see Trump in the following days to do his infamous Nuremberg like speech. AFAIK Trump was going to be more conciliatory but the Breitbart guys and others noticed what was going to happen and set Trump “right”.

It will all depend with one of the big lessons I always tell others about dealing with the modern world:

We will have to demand that Trump gets better sources of information and that he gets better personnel than the nightmare ones that he has been using so far.


Anything that makes him money.

I’ll bet he’d even turn on the refugee issue if he could profit from it.

If the lesson doesn’t involve bringing him profit, he won’t bother to learn it. he didn’t go through all this out of altruism or love of country.

It’s possible Trump is fully aware of the consequences of his NATO views and embraced than as part of a deal with Russia in exchange for Russian support during his campaign.

“Teachable” is a relative term. I think it’s more fair to say that he can be persuaded to adopt many different viewpoints. so long as it

  1. Will result in people praising him and flattering his ego, or
  2. Comes from someone who flatters his ego, or
  3. Makes him money

He might already be softening on one of his more unconstitutional policies