Once more: “How dare you say we’re violent? Death to you!”

Story here (and elsewhere.

Is there a solution other than giving in?

The whole situation has always reminded me of someone being told to calm down and then screaming “I AM CALM!!!”

So, was he wrong?

Good Lord… What the hell is going on over there?

The precipitating article is pretty inflammatory and provocative. I’d go so far as sacreligious: e.g.

This is about as offensive to Islamic sensibility as you can get.

There’s more earlier

Found here , it’s the sort of vilification that has been a feature of this board lately and iit’s no wonder some people have become a little tetchy.

Can anyone translate? Please?

You aren’t suggesting that these Islamic groups have the right to post his location, information and call for his death by fatwa, are you?

An important part of free speech is alowing people to say thing we disagree with, even strongly disagree with. The European press is losing free speech to a bunch of thugs and your sentiment is “Heh, looks like they deserved it!”

That’s beyond the pale my friend.

From what I understood using Google Language tools (a hardly adequate translation), there’s nothing really surprising or new in what he wrote. I totally agree with it. The Quran is quite violent in the same way that the Bible is violent (at least the OT - the NT succeeds in moderating the baser aspects of the OT, imo).

Sorry, heated:

1 - Hatred and violence inhabit the text in which every “musulman” is tutored: The Koran.

(relevantly) 2 - Islam takes generosity, spiritual overtures, tolerance, kindness, the freedom of women and of conscience, and the values of democracy to be signs of decadence.

There are storytellers who wish to exploit the “useful idiots” of good conscience and fine sentiments, so as to allow the imposition of Koranic law onto the Western world itself.


Oh…the 2nd point seems to be way off…did the author expound on this or was this just a bald assertion he made?

Well, tetchy is fine if you don’t like what someone is saying. On the other hand, putting a hit on someone for what they are saying is the act of a coward and a barbarian.


What have you got against barbarians?

And restrictive “hate speech” laws, let’s not forget. It may be marginally more acceptable to the general public there to have limited free speech. The threats are still wrong, needless to say.

Interesting question considering the topic. Barbarian - sometimes related to the Barbary Coast region.

Islamic conflict goes back to the very beginning of the United States and is represented in the Marine’s song (to the shores of Tripoli). Jefferson was against the payment of ransom for safe passage of US ships and declared war upon his inauguration. Ironically, he ended up buying back enslaved Americans upon the conclusion of the Barbary War.

I don’t understand why the irony of violence is not realized by Muslims who disagree with opinions of how violent they are.

In 1938 there were many Danes who called for limiting the Danish press free press, on the grounds that we should insult or provocate the Nazi neighbors to the south. And of course after the Nazis came, it was restricted quite considerable. Free speech should never be taken for granted. Before the current threat, it was by the Fascist, Nazis and Communists. And when the Islamists have gone the way of their brothers in Fascism, Nazism and Communism, free speech will be threatened by something else. Every generation must fight for its free speech. We’ve been fairly long waking up to the current threat. Salman Rushdie really should have been the eye opener, but I think at last Europe seem to be waking up to the threat. Still of course, there are many western intellectuals who’re full of excuses, and would rather vilify the writers than try to protect their right and ability to write vile things. Nothing new with that either. We had Nazi and Communist sympathizers in the west while people were being murdered in Germany and Solzhenitsyn was writing from Gulag.

There’s a translation here: http://www.westernresistance.com/blog/archives/003001.html I don’t know the site and I haven’t read the article. It doesn’t matter what it says. Weather the content was insulting can be discussed after the issue of people being threatened on their life (and their wife’s and children’s) has been resolved.

Excellent points in that post. I do wonder, though, what need to be done to fight this. Jail the people making the threats (if they can find/catch them)? Make them leave the country? What’s the solution?

I don’t think there is a fast and sure answer though applying the law would certainly be part of that. Allowing ourselves to openly criticize Islam in the same way that we criticize Christianity should also be part of that. Allowing ourselves the freedom to call barbaric customs for what they are should also be part of that.