One month sober

Keep adding those sober days.

Congrats! :slight_smile:



Congratulations, Peter!

Congrats. :slight_smile: Keep on living rather than just waiting to die.

Rock on, scott evil.

I’d propose a toast, but I’m drinking a beer currently, so that might be considered in bad taste. :wink:

Anyways, congrats, and keep up the good work, my man.

Sobriety is a great gift. It was a blessing to come in here today and read your post, Peter.

One day at a time.

Hooray!! :slight_smile:

Congrats Peter!! :slight_smile: I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well. And great news about your new bf!


I’m very glad for you.

Peter, I’m so, so proud of you. I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering how you were doing in sobriety - congratulations on this milestone. Many more to come!!

I was thinking of you as well and hoping all was going good for you. I am very happy to hear that your new life is on track. This is just great news.

Keep up the good work / work your program. I wish you the best and congratulations on reaching the milesotne. :cool:

Shine on, you sober diamond. :slight_smile:

Congrats Peter! snugs Keep up the good work!

You know, it really messes up with my world view to go through 2 years of being on these boards, thinking your name would actually be Scott, and finding out that it’s actually Peter. Is it derived from something I should know, but don’t? Makes me wonder what else I believe in that really isn’t true… :smiley:

Congratulations on the one-month! I’m glad to hear you’re happy, and that things are going well. Keep it up!

Great, man. Ya do feel better, don’t ya? ‘tho you will miss it sometimes, it really is not worth it. Shit, you got better things to do. And you gotta stay sharp. Keep it up; eventually, you’ll realize, if you haven’t already, that you don’t really need it. Anyway, keep rockin’!

Ah! Now you can “listen to the song of life”! My congratulations and best wishes to you. Living in the moment can help you to ride out those mood swings and to deal with the emotions that have been stuffed down.

You are on the brink of glory! :slight_smile:

Right on, that’s great!!!

Keep up on it, remember what you said in this thread and post it when ever you are feeling down and may want a drink.

Keep it up,do what it takes to get through the day without that (1st) drink. I am going on six mo now myself. My real family/friends are happy. My drinking buddies have bets on how long I’ll last … they can go to H E double-hockey-sticks…

  • …it gets better*

TM, friend of Bill W

Scott/Peter, that’s great! I’m glad you posted this news. Keep it going!


Great! Don’t be alarmed if you wake up some night really pissed that you took a drink and discover it was only a dream. The event seems to be fairly common and nothing to worry about.

If you stay with it not drinking will become a way of life just like drinking one was, only without the misery.

It makes me happy to hear good news like this. Thank you.

How confusing do you think it was to have Peter and someone actually named Scott staying at the same time?

Glad to help

Let me add my congratulations, Peter. Good for you!