One Of the Hottest Pictures You'll Ever See [somewhat NSFW]

Could be MPSIMS, could be Game Room.

I puts it here.

g33k pr0n? Really, I am not worthy.

SSG Schwartz

Yes… yes, I think you are.

Meh. There are a lot of these “game girl” pinup shots floating all over the place (Destructoid owes their whole existence to them) and I’ve seen better.

Still, it’s a subgenre of cheesecake that I do appreciate. I am such a geek.

Would be hotter if she had a Power Glove on.

I’d prefer washing-up gloves. Oops, sorry. Wrong forum.

Per a request, I’ve added a tag so that people with particularly sensitive workplaces won’t click on the link. (There’s no visible crotch or boobage, but there is some skin showing.)


I’ll see your geek, and raise you an even geekier!

Probably not safe for work…

meh, the nintendo stuff is more interesting to me!

Meh. Somehow, I just don’t find women posing naked with electronics erotic in the least. Different strokes, I guess.

Topless photos of TechTV’s Cat Schwartz can be found on the net. Just ask Google. No, I’m not going to link them.

Don’t forget the Postal Babes, even if they are a bit more firearm-centric.