One week post-op: Holy crap, I can walk!

I first vented about excruciating back pain in this post, then announced my impending back surgery here…I thought I’d come back one last time and let you know how it went, and how I’m doing now.

The surgery, a microdiscectomy, was last Thursday, December 20. Let me say, getting to the hospital was horrific. For good measure, it seems, the day of the surgery was about the worst pain I have experienced in all this. I couldn’t even crawl anymore. Sitting in a reclined car seat was still excruciating. When we got to the hospital, they’d told us the day before to send DeathLlama in to let them know I’m here, and they’d send a gurney out for me (I couldn’t walk, and sitting in a wheelchair was worse). He was met with a huge runaround that infuriated him–the nursing supervisor said nope, can’t do it, against protocol, if she can get in the car she can get in here, they have nonemergency transport, it’s a liability issue, etc. DeathLlama was infuriated and kept saying he was doing just what we’d been told and that in the meantime, I’m in pain.

While all this is going on, I just couldn’t take the pain from sitting in the car anymore and called him from my cell, and told him (through clenched teeth) that I was going to try to walk to the lobby–it was a good 150+ foot walk–where I could lie on a couch. He ran out to meet me, and helped me painfully hobble to the lobby, grunting and groaning in pain every now and then. When I finally got on the couch, I yelped, and started crying from the pain. Then…voila! A gurney. Of course. :rolleyes:

But that was really the only negative occurrence. The nurses were excellent, positive, and helpful. It really was a pleasant experience, all things considered.

Of course, I was initially quite sore from the incision…but I’m amazed at how much better I feel already. Apparently another piece of disc had broken off since the MRI, so there was even more to remove–and that explains why things got as horrible as they did. These last few days, I couldn’t sit, stand, walk, crawl, or even bathe myself. It was awful. But the morning after the surgery, when I got up to use the restroom (with the nurse’s assistance, of course), I was amazed…I stood up, and I could stay standing! I kept waiting for that awful crippling wave of pain, and it never came. And I could sit! For the first time in a month, I was actually able to sit without nerve pain. There is some of it left because the nerve needs to heal and regenerate itself, and it’s going to take some time, but I was amazed (and relieved) at the difference just 24 hours after surgery.

Because this is my second surgery, they’re extending my time off work to make sure everything is okay for when I do come back. Right now I’m off for 6 weeks, then the doc will re-evaluate me to see if I need 2 more weeks. I have the usual restrictions–no bending, lifting for than 5lbs ( :frowning: RuffLlama is 30lbs), etc. for two weeks. Then I see the doc for my post-op and we go from there. And believe me, I am being careful. I never want to go through that hell again.

Now a week post-op, I have very little pain of any kind, though I am quite weak. My body did almost nothing for nearly a month, so things have turned to Jello a bit. Right now, the challenge I’m having is not just getting up and doing everything I’m used to doing–since I’m out of pain, I want to vacuum, empty the dishwasher, drive to the mall, groom my horses, pick up my son…but I know better. Usually.

Hopefully this surgery will “stick” better than the first…if I reherniate again, it means fusion, and that scares the bejeezus out of me.

Thanks all for your interest and support. Nine years on this board (in one form or another) and I feel like I’ve truly made friends.

Now, I’m off to take my make-me-stupid-but-eliminate-pain pills.

It’s great to hear you’re up and about again, even if only in a limited capacity.

Here’s wishing for a speedy recovery so you can get back to doing the things you want to do, as well as the things you need to do.

Wow - what you’ve been through! Sounds like you’re well on your way to recovery, though. I hope you get back to normal with minimal problems.

Chin up: things are getting better and will continue to do so!

And remember that you have your grapes peeled. :smiley:

That’s GREAT news! I’m so glad your pain is so much better!

I’ve heard there are great therapeutic powers in the…uh…embrace of a squid. What say, guys? I know it’s normally reserved for newbies, but if Ruffian can benefit…

Ah, the sudden disappearance of pain. I’m glad your surgery went well…take it easy and I hope you stay fixed!

Thanks for the update.

Thanks for the update, and I’m glad to hear that your surgery has gone so well. Here’s hoping the recovery continues!

Thanks everyone! Today I had SERIOUS cabin fever. DeathLlama took RuffLlama to an air field and air museum (RuffLlama came home saying “Airplane! Airplane! Airplane!” – made Daddy proud), and they were gone until 2pm. Then BOTH of them slept until 5pm. AUUUGGGHHHHH – if I watched any more TV, did anything else on computer, and stared at any of the same walls any longer I thought I was going to lose my mind.

At my insistence, we packed up and headed to Target. Then DeathLlama put son in the cart for me, and I took the kiddo inside and did some shopping while he headed over to the barn to take care of the horses. It’s really close to Target, and it was dark and cold out–not good for RuffLlama or me. It actually turned out really well; son was fine, I got to buy stuff (whoo hoo, killer sale!), and hubby didn’t have the distraction of me or the boy while the barn chores were done.

Afterward, some kind and generous friends had made us dinner (not like I’m cooking anything), so we ducked over and visited. I stayed in their recliner the whole time like a good girl. Still, once I got home tonight I was SORE–especially on the right side. It’s not uncommon to have that nerve pain on either side after surgery (the nerves are still pissed off from all the poking and prodding, be it the disc or surgeon’s tools), so I’m not worried and taking it as a loud warning to lie down. So now, I am.

Woohoo! Here’s hoping for a continued improvement!

i’m glad to hear all went well. sounds like the tough part is not doing anything when you are feeling so much better.

nothing like a target outing to brighten up the day. love that store!

Glad to hear it went well, Ruffian. Being out of pain is good.

Miss you LA dopers now that we’re up north. Maybe we’ll have to come down for a Ye Olde King’s Head Dopefest.

Good to hear, Ruffian. Glad to hear you’re not dying on us like that.

Glad to hear it went well, Ruffian! Here’s to being able to walk!

Big, big congratulations. That surgery can be such a relief!

Now I feel more comfortable saying what seemed a little dangerous in your previous cited thread:

Remember the Motto of Orthopedic Surgery - “We may not make you better, but we’ll certainly make you different!”

Hey! Glad to hear you can get up and answer that door now! That’s great news.

Glad the surgery went well Ruffian. You’ll be break dancin’ down on the corner before you know it! :smiley:

Good to hear you’re doing so well, Ruffian.

When I worked in neurosurgery we liked having “miracle cure” patients, they were always so happy after surgery. Glad you are one of them.

Happy new year, happy new you.

Woo-hoo! Congrats on the loss of pain! Sending really fast healing thoughts to get you up and back to normal ASAP!