One-Word Movie Quotes (Game)

Logan’s Run

And I’m disappointed that someone else beat me to Slap Shot.

I’m guessing Raiders of the Lost Ark.


  • Virgin?

  • Great. Hint: It’s a successful pick-up line

Throw Momma From The Train?



Chevy Chase in Caddy Shack. I only know this because we had that line as a sweeper at the ol’ college radio station. Good call, Indyellen.

HM1) “Plane!”

HM2) “Beans.”

HM3) “Whoa.”


Dammit, I think you took mine!

Silent Movie. It’s the only dialogue in the whole film, actually…spoken by Marcel Marceau.

jj1) Sing!


Here’s an easy one. “Noooo!”

The Royal Tenenbaums


HM3: Matrix?

Phantom of the Opera.

Matrix. Bill and Ted would have been acceptable.

BtES1: “Shi-i-i-i-i-i-i-t!”

The In-Laws, Peter Falk

Evil Dead, Bruce Campbell

A couple more…

BD3) “Judea!” (Rule 1 violation? Eh, we’ll go with it anyway.)

BD4) “Guano…”

BD5) “Way!”

Hmmm…not what I was thinking, because it’s part of the song and mine is a line outside of a song.

Technically, though…yes, you’re correct.

Pulp Fiction?

P1: “Vegas!”

Not what I had in mind.

Shiiit - Butch Cassidy