One-Word Movie Quotes (Game)



I) “Behave!”

Die Hard 3?

SR1) Pain?

Princess Bride (Inigo)?

I1 “Suckatash” (not sure of spelling)

Austin Powers, take your pick of any of the three.

Bringing these over from the first page, since they haven’t been answered:

Life Of Brian?

Ace Ventura 2 : When Nature Calls.

CG1) “Attica!”

CG2) “Whoooooooo?!?”* (anguished yell)

*Possibly Difficult.

Could it be Baby Herman in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

dinahmoe : “Hello” - Jerry Maguire?


Dog Day Afternoon

RA2: “P-p-p-p-please!”

Dog Day Afternoon.

Well, he says it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Robot Arm : P-p-p-please has got to be Roger Rabbit.

Dog Day Afternoon is correct.

Nope, at least not the movie I’m thinking of. Hint: When it’s said, all four characters in the shot say it in succession.

History of the World, Part One.

Rocky III? (probably not, due to the question mark)

P3 - “Cannonball!”

Thought that might’ve been too strong a hint. :smiley:

Easy one: BD8) “Shazbot!”


BD9) “Eclectic!”

Maybe, but that’s not what I was thinking of.

Nope. Was a fella with a ponytail…