ONE YEAR SOBER!!! (Long!) Come join my party!

My most heartfelt thanks to those who’ve responded so far, as well as to everyone who’s clicked on this thread.

I know I’m not accepting an Oscar[sup]®[/sup] or anything, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention MsRobyn. I found her in #straightdope chat after I got home from my first meeting “back.” I was a mess, I was in tears, and Robin listenened with the wisdom and understanding of someone who had (and still has!) a few 24 hours more than me. She’s since become my sober buddy on the boards, and I love her to bits. :slight_smile:

Happy birthday, scott evil! It works if you let it.

What an inspirational OP scott! Like LifeonWry, I was moved to tears. I am so damn happy for you for this milestone, for finding Jeremy, for your new found confidence and outlook on life. Congratulations! Keep up the good work. Always remember you got something around 40,000 Dopers pulling for ya.

It made me sad, then it made me smile. You don’t know me, but like many dopers, I’ve been following the story as threads have come and go.

Good for you, scott evil. Keep it up. I’m glad you’ve found this new freedom and self-confidence. And I’m glad you found Jeremy. Life can be wonderful, and you’ve found that out again, and that’s great. :slight_smile:

Three cheers for scott:




You’ve done well, and you’re rather better company these days. After reading your city beneath the streets Montreal story I kinda thought you had a fair chance. Onya.

This made me cry!! Congratulations!

You don’t know me either, but I am so very proud of you! I know how hard it is to quit.

You have so much to celebrate! Life, love, health and happiness are all yours! Woo-hoo!

Oh scotty, I remember this story:

It made me cry then as it did just now. I love you, boy, and I am so proud of you. Thank you so much for sharing your story and celebration with us. It works if you work it, so work it, it’s worth it!

Congratulations Scott! You are a tower of strength. While you may give deserved credit to those who’ve helped you through the dark times, the greatest credit goes to you for having the strength and courage to believe in and act on your innate ability to turn things around. Fantastic!

Congratulations, Scott!

I remember that thread a year ago, too. I have always looked for your posts since we joined at the same time, you were one of the first posters here I recognized, and we have many similar interests.

I’m so happy that you could make it to this milestone. It really sounds like this has been a life-changing year for you, in many ways! Congratulations on your anniversary and on your upcoming wedding! Your story is inspiring.

Count me as another person who you don’t know, but who cried reading this. An incredibly big well done and my best wishes for your continued journey, I hope things caryy on improving for you.

Count me as another person who you don’t know, but who cried reading this. An incredibly big well done and my best wishes for your continued journey, I hope things carry on improving for you.

Count her twice!

scott evil, you ROCK! Congratulations!

Keep it going, just one day at a time.

Best wishes!

That is wonderful.
Hopefully someone is reading this who is going through the same and now he or she can know that there is hope.
If you can do it, so can they!

I am so very, very happy for you - even if you’ve made me cry! Dang it, now I have to calm down AND fix my mascara!

But it was worth it. You are a wonderful person, and well loved. Stay strong.

Rock on, you sober rock star.

Woot! Yay! Go ScottEvil!

Congratulations, scott! Your story’s an inspiration. Keep it up!!!

What a day to celebrate. What great people to celebrate with.

Congratulations and “happy birthday” to you!!! We can’t wait until you turn 2!!!