
Or maybe honnerarifkabilmatutamatatamus? There is a niggling little memory from my past. My father used to use a word (phrase?) just to annoy my sisters and I when we were very small.

He is dead, so I can’t ask him if it meant anything or came from somewhere or if he just made it up. He always grinned with glee whenever he said it.
I’d like to know if it meant anything beyond “I am not going to answer your question in any reasonable manner.”

He always said it in one breath, but it might be a phrase run together, in the manner of mairsey doats. Spread out, it would be something like:
honor a riff kabil matuta matatamus. The matatamus especially seemed to be all one word. But it’s on old old memory and may have mutated.

I will light incense to the SDMB if anyone can make sense of this.


Longest word used by Shakespeare.

And that took three minutes.

I am in awe. Thanks.

This story was told to us back in the 50’s and is very similar to this story here.
And I miss spelled it!