Online Previous Page Holder

Did that title make sense? :dubious:

Ok, when we changed over to a new ISP, something began happening. But only occasionally. See, whenever you go from one web page to another and then back again, it sometimes puts you on the same spot where you came from, sometimes not.

Now typically, this is no big deal. However, for having fun browsing on eBay, it’s a royal pain in the butt to open up an auction to see the details and when you leave, can’t find your former place in a really looooooong list. And just in case anyone needs this information as well… yes, cookies are enabled. No, it pretty much only does it after a search, not once you’re looking at a seller’s specific items. Also, I don’t think I’ve noticed it doing it anywhere else, although I could be wrong about that.

Anyone know of ideas or ways to fix this? It’s bugging the crap out of me. Help!

Of course, with my luck, I’m just SOL. So, I’ll be praying to the online gods that it’s not true. Hard.

  1. There can be a lot of causes of your problem. In your case, since you mention an ISP change, it can be caused by cacheing by your ISP. This is supposed to speed things up and lower their load since they only need to cache a popular web page once rather than fetching it over and over. But in Real Life it works badly and no compentent ISP would even dream of doing such a dumb thing. (I.e., almost all of them do it.)

There’s nothing you can do to make them stop it. 1000 complaining customers don’t mean anything.

  1. Here’s how to get around. Use a “tabbing” browser. Open the new page in a new tab. When just go back to the original page in its original tab. I love tabbing browsers and would never go back to an old style one (e.g., IE even if it was fixed). I strongly prefer Opera but some people like Mozilla Firefox.


You have NOT mentioned:

  • what computer you’re using.
  • what operating system you’re using.
  • what browser you’re using.
  • what version you’re using.

Don’t you think some of that info would be needed?

Like ftg said, use tabbed browsing. Firefox is good; I just use Avant Browser which is an internet explorer “skin” in a way with many nifty add-ons.

Sorry. This is my first (I think) ever thread about computers and I didn’t realize that all that stuff was needed.

[li]Gateway 350, Pentium II.[/li][li]Windows XP[/li][li]Yahoo[/li][li]3.0[/li][/ul]

I hope that is all of it and it’s right. If I need other stuff, please let me know. Goes to show what happens when one isn’t all that literate at this as I’d hoped.

And to ftg and Bob55 for the explanations and suggestions. I had looked into a different browser before, but was so comfortable now (read: used to) with the one I have, I gave up. I shall try again though. eBay is too much like opium to have my experience diminished. :slight_smile:

I use Internet Explorer, and when I want to keep my place on a page and view another link, I just right-click the link and go to “Open in new window”.