Online Promocode / Coupon Sites

I was just wondering if any of you use an online site for online coupons or promo codes when you shop online.

Googling around there are a lot of them but a lot of them have outdated codes, or they simply don’t work.

If anyone uses such sites and has sites that work and they’d reccommend, I’d like to hear from you


I use all the time and have gotten over $200 back from them. I also always use coupon code sites and depending on the code usually do not have any problems. I google the store I’m looking for with coupon code behind it example “hot topic coupon codes” I may have to try one or two of the sites before I find one worth using

I use this one a lot. is another good one (the list on the side also has coupon codes). is a good one since it uses a voting system to help filter out expired and bad codes.

Slight hijack - how about printable coupons? For groceries, household supplies, that sort of thing. Is there anything reliable out there?

I’m another fan. I use it primarily for Tracfone minutes, with consistent success.

…think I saved the shipping costs- 5%-10%, total damages about fifty bucks I recall…

Cop’s dog two doors down must have fleas, or needs Benadryll :slight_smile: horrible barking

just found the coupon code on a google search for meds… and it worked.

Thanks I’ll check these out.

And feel free to add Antigen suggestion of printable coupons to any you know.

I’ve run across a few “printable” coupons but they make you download special software to print it, so I don’t bother