Online Treasure Hunt Volunteers (Testers) wanted

I’m working on a game for my site and ran into an issue that needs more testers to resolve. I’m trying to investigate possible caching issues on the server between pages. The game is an online treasure hunt meant to benefit a charity. From my past posts, it won’t be a surprise that its about Avro Vulcans :slight_smile: .

For anyone concerned about security it currently uses a cookie on the user’s PC to store the game, but otherwise does not interact with the client - its all ASP. Once the bugs are out I’ll wire in a database.

If you would like to help me test this, please let me know in the thread and I’ll PM the link across. (It’ll help kill ten minutes or so). Thanks for any help.

An online treasure hunt about Vulcans, an excellent choice of aircraft.

Sounds like fun and I’ve never done one before, so why not.

PM me the link and tell me what you are looking for. Should be something fun to do over lunch :wink:

Thanks. PM’d.

Thanks for the link, it made lunchtime more interesting than usual and I have emailed back the results of the testing, but it seems to run fine.

All I want to know now is what is the 3rd Livery I am missing. I got the Anti-Flash White and Camouflage. What’s the last one :confused:

Also did I get all the bonus options? I got 7 in total.

Thanks - I’ve fixed the issues you mentioned. There are 9 bonuses, so look again :slight_smile: . As for the third livery - a helpful hint: what came before white?

Since it is running end to end without problems, here’s a link to the game: The Treasure Hunt

Any extra feedback would be helpful.

By the way he’s talking I assume there’s some science to this, but I can’t figure it out. I just randomly put in a URL (the SDMB forum index to be exact) and got a fuselage.

Any hints on how this works?

The hunt part works on a scoring algorhythm based off page content. By viewing which pages give you more or different parts you should be able to tailor searches to find pages that will provide other parts, and get enough that way.

You can probably get all the parts by putting in a series of URLs and relying on luck, but it will take a while. Would a near-miss option (saying what failed pages came close to containing) help as a clue?

Yeah, that would serve as a useful clue, I probably can do it now that I understand what exactly was going on, I was just a bit lost.