Only person on earth who hasn't seen this movie...

I have never seen Armageddon. Don’t think I’m missing much, either.

Any of the Home Alone movies.

I managed to figure out the ‘secret’ from watching the trailer before it was released. Wasn’t much of a stretch, really.

Lessee, for me, Rocky, and Logan’s Run would be the two oddest.

More recently, never say any of the Austin Powers movies, but that was on purpose.


The first thing that came to mind when I read the OP was
Top Gun. Shocking, considering my love of all things '80s.

Also, never seen Sound of Music. I admitted this to my family recently, and was astonished to learn that it is my mother’s favorite movie. How did I not see it? I’m 35!

Many others mentioned in this thread as well, but I think those are the most prominent.

I haven’t seen most of the major classics (e.g. Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, Citizen Cane, etc.)

I’ve never sat through a musical and I never understood their appeal, so when my day comes I don’t expect to leave this earth with having watched any of these.

I’ve never seen Deliverence. I’ve been meaning to see it, mainly since comedians often make references to the movie. I never know what the hell they’re talking about.

I’ve never seen The Exorcist. Even the parodies I have seen of it seem to scare me, so I can only imagine what seeing the real thing is like.

I’ve never seen any of the Batman movies.

I don’t mean to flame or start hijacking with a big debate, but I just have to say this, out loud and in public: I simply cannot understand your attitude in regard to pop culture such as this. Why, exactly, is it a point of pride?

E.T., among others.

We own the directors cut of The Exorcist, and I still haven’t seen it. Also Apocalypse Now, any Godfather movie, Gone with the Wind, Terminator (though I’ve seen T2 hundereds of times), and many, many more…

Of all the ones listed so far, I haven’t seen:

Pulp Fiction
The Warriors
The Godfather II.
Shindler’s List
Resevoir Dogs.
Logan’s Run
Kung Fu
Friday the 13th
Alien and its sequels
Fight Club
Terms of Endearment
Star Trek
Lawrence of Arabia
Gone With the Wind
The Maltese Falcon
The Grapes of Wrath
Citizen Kane
A Clockwork Orange
Apocalypse Now
Good Morning Vietnam
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Soylent Green
Miracle on 34th Street
Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Satruday Night Fever.
Bridge on the River Kwai.
Any of the Lethal Weapon movies.
Harry Potter
Gone With The Wind
When Harry Met Sally
American Beauty
Maybe I should get out more. Or maybe I should get out less. I think I haven’t seen very many movies because I tend to watch my favorite movies repeatedly instead of renting ones I haven’t seen.

I have seen almost ALL of the movies listed above. The ones that I haven’t seen that everyone says, “how could you not” are:

Dances with Wolves
…and I still have no desire to see them.

Never seen Schindler’s List or Forrest Gump**. Or Dances with Wolves, and only about half of Titanic. I turned off Waking Ned Devine as “too boring to bother” after about half an hour, and I never tried Braveheart.

Mostly because my parents loved all these movies, and they have atrocious taste in movies. I am avoiding Monster Ball on the same principle.


Gone With the Wind, Braveheart, Harry Potter, American Pie, etc, etc, etc…

Monster’s Ball should be avoided at all costs–not because it’s dull, but because it’s unrelentingly bleak, depressing, violent, negative, and extremely graphic. *(imho)

I still have the tape shrink wrapped. Really should view it.

Never seen either of the harry potters, despite the fact all my friends are telling me I should.

It’s not that I have anything againest them, it’s just i have no interest in them all at.

I have yet to see The Matrix. And I really don’t feel the need to. The sheer “Oh, my god you have to see this! How can you be a sci-fi geek and not LIKE this movie!” I get from my friends is enough to turn me off of it.

Won’t be getting away from it for a while, given the sequels coming out soon…sigh.