Only person on earth who hasn't seen this movie...

Never seen:

Top Gun.

A few good men.


Breakfast Club

Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Satruday Night Fever.

Bridge on the River Kwai.

Any of the Lethal Weapon movies.

I’ve never seen:
Pulp Fiction

Any of the Terminators


The 3 original Star Wars in their entirety

American Pie

There’s Something About Mary

There are others but that’s all I can think of.

I’ve never seen Forest Gump
As far as I know, I’m the only one.

Platoon, Wayne’s World, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather… the list goes on and on. My friends think I’m a freak.

Starting from the bottom and working up…

Platoon, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, The Terminator movies, Top Gun, A Few Good Men, Breakfast Club, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Saturday Night Fever, Bridge On The River Kwai, the Lethal Weapon movies, Miracle on 34th Street, any of the Highlander movies, Soylent Green, The Green Mile, Star Wars Episode II, Citizen Kane, A Clockwork Orange, Blair Witch Project, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, Grapes of Wrath, Chinatown, any of the Halloween or Friday the 13th movies, ET, Schindler’s List, Lawrence of Arabia, Fight Club, Terms of Endearment, Pearl Harbour, Logan’s Run, Glory, The Patriot, any of the Alien movies, the Exorcist, Rush Hour 2, Braveheart, Fame, The Warriors, and many more.

Despite appearances, I own a television, a video player and a DVD player, and I do travel to the cinema on occasion. I just watch a select few movies over and over.

I haven’t seen a lot of the movies listed above, but as for recent ones I haven’t seen either Harry Potter movie at all. And we’ve even got the dvd for the first one back at home.

I would say that’s a fine policy!

When my daughter was born 11 years ago I started missing movies. So although I am quite a movie lover, and tho we acquired a VCR player a few years later, I am only slowly catching up. I wonder if other parents have the same experience.

In the years before, I would have had to have been dragged kicking & screaming to either “Top Gun” or “Rambo”. Never seen em; never will.


Sounds like a bunch of you folks belong in the “I don’t like movies” thread. There are too many good ones that you’ve missed! Now I want you to go to Blockbuster and get all of the movies you listed here and WATCH THEM. You will then be re-admitted to Reality and can discuss them with your friends and family.

Gone With The Wind
When Harry Met Sally

I own on DVD but have never watched:

Harry Potter and the ** insert country-specific adjective Stone
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
and probably a couple of other things I can’t think of, since I’m at work now.

The list of major movies I haven’t seen but don’t actually own is much longer, starting with Titanic, Gone With the Wind, Forrest Gump, all of the Jurassic Parks, The Sixth Sense and goes on to include most of the things “everyone” has seen. I don’t watch a lot of movies, I guess – saw only three or four in 2002.

On preview, I see well he’s back’s comment, and have to agree. I didn’t see lots of mass-market movies before I had kids, but I certainly see even fewer of them now. (Though, if you want to know about Thomas the Tank Engine, I’m your go-to guy.)

I have no seen:

Any movie by Kubric (A.I. counts, cause I haven’t seen it either.)
Any movie by Coppola (That includes his daughter)
Any horror movie series (Friday the 13th, Halloween, or Nightmare)
Any of the ‘classic’ movies from the 30’s-50’ s (Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, anything with Bogart or Monroe)
Neither of the Harry Potters (and don’t plan to see them, either.)
Any Woody Allen movie
Any 70’s or 80’s dance movie (Footloose, Flashdance, Saturday Night Fever, etc…)
Any ‘classic’ Christmas movie (Miracle, Wonderful Life, etc…)
Schindler’s List (we started to watch it in history class, but I fell asleep pretty soon into it.)
Most 80’s teen movies (Fast Times, etc…)
Most 50’s-70’s war movies (Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Bridge over River Kwai, etc…)

Yeah Yeah, I know, I’m an uncultered swine. But I HAVE seen all of the Star Wars and Star Trek movies, both Lord of the Rings, Fight Club, all but the last Rocky, both Terminators, Forest Gump, Titanic (unfortunatly,) and Moulin Rouge (SUPER unfortunatly.)

I almost saw “Gone With The Wind,” but those idiot TV folks put it on opposite the Superbowl.

I’ve never seen any of the Godfather films, and it seems I’m not at all alone.

Never saw Fight Club even though some friends tried to make me.

Old Yeller.

Die Hard and Die Hard 2: Die Harder

I’ve seen Die Hard with a Vengeance

Next thing you guys will say you don’t watch television.

I have not seen The Lodger (1927;Alfred Hitchcock)

I’ve never seen any of the “Brat Pack” movies (Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, Breakfast Club, et al.) in its entirety. I’ve also never seen any of Ferris Beuller’s Day off.

Considering I’m a 33-year old male from the U.S., I think I may be something of an oddity…these movies defined my generation (we may be on to something here).
At this point, I could mosey on down to Blockbuster any old day of the week and have an 80s retrothon, but it’s become a point of pride that I haven’t seen these flicks.

Gone with the Wind

I am making an attempt to see all of IMDb’s top 250 films and I was horrified to see it on there. I am kind of proud that I have never seen it! When I have seen the other 249, I’ll watch it!


It’s a Wonderful Life (I actually want to see this one!)
The Shining

I am very happy that I never saw Pink Flamingos.

i haven’t seen
pulp fiction
top gun
days of thunder
any of the godfather movies
american beauty
maltese falcon
schindler’s fist
resevoir dogs
attack of the clones
gone with the wind