Anyone interested in a holiday ornament exchange? I’m excited about Christmas, especially since my ex threw everything out and I get to start from scratch.
If you want to play: Email me with your username, email address, name and mailing address. Let me know if you want to participate more than once (with more than one Doper, I mean, so you’d have two or more mailings), in case you want to receive or send several ornaments.
I’ll match up names, send you the info you need, and everyone will go from there. If you’re in the U.S. and don’t mind shipping out of the country, let me know–vice versa, too, please.
It might be cool if we were able to find area-specific ornaments, but I’m not sure that many folks want an ear of Indiana corn, no matter how spangly, hanging on their trees. But it’s an idea.
Ooh, sounds fun! I luuuuurrrrrvvvveee ornaments! (My grandmother used to buy us each an ornament every year, and the big unveiling after Thanksgiving dinner ranked somewhere just below seeing what Santa had brought, right about level with the rest of the present-opening.)
Everybody does their tree differently, though. Some folks are color-schemers, others do themes, some folks do a hodge-podge. Personally, I’m not all that into regional stuff that wasn’t a souvenir, but you slap an animal on something and I’m thrilled. Maybe we should let people set some (very general) basic parameters about what they want to give or get?
Any thoughts on price range? I’m thinking that we can expect people to send something they themselves would enjoy, and probably not of the 12-silver-balls-in-a-box variety. Other than that, I don’t have any specifics. I’ll probably hit some of my local small shops and look for something cool, maybe by a local artist/crafter.
Decor-wise, I imagine we’re taking our chances. I figure one can always hang a non-themed ornament in the window or something.
I’ll collect names for a bit before I mix 'em up, okay?
ornaments are what i usually buy as gifts. they tend to be the right size and colour, and you never can have enough. i will have no problem adding a few more to my list.
This sounds like fun, email in the works. I think I only own about 5 ornaments, so I’m looking forward to receiving a surprise in the mail. Anything goes for me too, but nothing too fragile in case the cat decides to climb the Christmas tree!
I’m in! I flaked out on the postcard exchange earlier this year – we had back-to-back-to-back unexpected company this summer and I just couldn’t seem to get it done. But I really do love these exchanges and I’ll need something fun this Christmas especially, since my son will be in in boot camp for the holidays – his first Christmas away from home.