Billy Graham’s son(can’t remember his’s name) said on nationwide TV that Islam is Evil! That little @$$O!!! Screw you! If anyone deserves the death penalty, it’s you!!! How the fuck is Islam evil??? Sure, the Taligone were evil, the Islamic terrorists were evil, that DOES NOT MEAN THAT ISLAM IS EVIL!!! Take a nice look at Muslim Guy. He evil? NO you motherfucking, head up your daddy’s ass, self-centered son-of a bitch!!! Fuck you! Make you a muslim ([sub]somehow[/sub), would you be evil then? Yes, you would be, because you would still be you! It doesn’t matter what your religion is (or anti-religion), you’re born the way you are!! Just because they are Muslims doesn’t mean that they are evil!! The Taliban said that all Christians are evil. Surely you disagree with that!
He deserves the death penalty for saying Islam is evil? :eek:
Sorry…I really like that smiley and never get the chance to use it. I think you are overreacting, though.
Since this was on television I won’t ask for a cite, but I will ask for an exact quote if you don’t mind.
Nothing new. Earlier this year, while visiting the Sudan, he said:
Well, you can say one thing for him, he does bring the name of the Saviour to one’s lips.
Jesus Christ!
In the interests of fairness, I’d like to point out something.
He wasn’t referring to “Moslems” as such, or to “Islam”, but to the Sudanese people, of whatever religion. So you wished the death penalty onto him for no reason, and wasted your OP. Oh, well.
From the linked article:
He was referring to the Sudanese people perpetrating the war, which has been grinding on for years and years, not to “Moslems”.
However, there is yet another point to make. From the linked article:
The linked article is hardly unbiased, and it seems to be making a couple of whopping and in my mind unwarranted assumptions.
First, that the Sudanese even know who the “Christian Right” is.
Second, that, even if they knew who the “Christian Right” was, they’d give a flying fuck what they think.
Frank is admittedly a borderline glurge-meister, with no gift for public speaking (it must be very difficult to be the son of a famous preacher but to have no talent for preaching), and IMO he ought to just stick to running Samaritan’s Purse.
But I don’t think he deserves a filthy Pit rant with an OP-mandated “death penalty”, for saying something that he didn’t really say.
Funny-but did Billy Graham ever say anything like that? He seems pretty moderate.
The news here reported that Franklin said that Islam was evil, they had a video of him saying that and everything. I can’t remember exactly what he said, but I remember that he did say that Islam was evil.
DDG, for the record, I do not support a fatwah on Franklin Graham.
Also, the article that I linked to was not a record of the incident that moved Anubus to make the OP. (I know nothing of his latest head-up-assism.)
I don’t see any bias in the article – it’s an African viewpoint, raising concerns that overseas evangelicals with considerable policital influence are oversimplifying a complex political situation by characterizing it as a “Muslims against Christians” conflict.
Since it is known that the Bush’s and the Graham’s are socially linked, it is very alarming that Mr. Graham would make such a statement in front of TV cameras. I’m sure that GWB would agree it was not a smart thing to do. Mr. Graham is not an ambassador, and he’s not even a politician. I preacher’s son invoking the “full force of American military strikes” in a conflict with religious overtones is, well, stupid.
That’s all.
I just heard about this, I must have missed it while I was on vacation. If anyone still cares:
Unreal. I always had some respect for Billy Graham, (AFAIK) he has done a pretty good job of trying to live a christian life without resorting to the idiocy and hatred that can be associated with christians. Now his chlamydia-infected shitsicle of a son comes along and spouts this crap. For fuck’s sake, why is so hard to be a christian without being a shitty, make-me-hate-religion christian?
Well, I will agree with the younger Graham that Islam is evil in that ALL ideologies that demand rigid conformity of thought, the persecution of “sinners,” and the subordination of the individual will to the decrees of the clergy are evil. It seems to me that this would be a healthier, saner world if people would give up the delusional belief in gods, devils, angels, djinn, the Koran, the Bible, spirits, crystals, reincarnation, magic, prayer, divination, Miss Cleo, the Tarot, astrology, and all things supernatural.
Sure there are individual folks in all religions who are intelligent, compassionate, and loving, but they possess those traits despite their faith, not because of it.
Franklin Graham needs to take the log out of his own eye before he picks out the splinter in the eye of Islam.