Ooh! Ooh! Bill Nye for Grownups!

I’ve written to my PBS stations. I hope they decide to air it… if not I guess there will eventually be a DVD set.

About 1 in 50, per launch. If you’ll recall, we had much the same drive to update the Shuttle fleet and make it safer after Challenger, and we still lost another one. I think we can be confident that there won’t be another accident of the same form as either of the two we’ve had, but there are thousands of things which could potentially go wrong on a Shuttle flight, and we haven’t had enough accidents to really know what most of them are.

That’s true of anything, though. So we can either choose to hide our heads in the sand, or we can acknowledge that there are risks to everything and accept them. Besides, as much as I’d hate to lose Bill, it’s not like he’s a national treasure.

I hope it will be like Bullshit without the Libertarian Party propagandizing posing as objective debunking.

Bill Nye the Science Guy in person!
Germs, germs, everywhere! We live with them all day, every day. Did you know that: Some germs are good for you, or even delicious? There are more germs inside you than there are people on Earth? Your body is constantly fighting germs, even when you aren’t sick? Come hear Bill speak, and you’ll learn about these things and more. Find out about germs and how to stay healthy in this delightful presentation based on his new book Great Big Book of Tiny GERMS, as well as a few new things from Nye Labs. Bring the kids, and the kids’ friends, for an afternoon of science and a blast of fun.Prices are reasonable - $12 for non-members; $8 for Skeptic Society members; $5 for students under 18, or people carrying Caltech or JPL id - alas, I’m on the wrong coast.