
Thanks to all

To Tomndeb: yes, they gave me a diet plan too; but they were insistent that I needed to take the pills. I was leaning to the snakeoil theory myself :wink:

To K2Dave:
Cool! It’s nice that they might actually have a positive effect…though I foresee much grunting, straining, and diet watching in my future…nice to see that the other stuff can help with the longing for potato chips, popcorn, etc… I found out today that carbohydrates after 3pm or so are evil thoughts :slight_smile:

To Peace:

So the carnitine is necssary to metabolize fatty acids, but my body makes enough of it that I don’t need a supplement? T’would be nice, though, if having enough of it floating around would make the pudge vanish…though, as above, lifting weights and exercise must be needed to get rid of the extra lbs…

Oh, well

For whatever it’s worth: I’ve never heard of “carnitine deficiency”. Intuitively I can tell you that if you “burn” your fat so fast that you “feel” lack of carnitine, someting is wrong. ANY diet/exercise program should be veeery gradual. Otherwise, you’ll get lost pounds back as fast as you lost them: it is tought (and I think, it’s true) that there is a “set point”, around which your organism is trying to keep your weight. Give it time to adjust. “Fool” it into thinking that your weight today is the same, as it was yesterday. “Pound a week” (or whatever) might be a good selling slogan, but a bad strategy. The body naturally resists any change.

Here ya go…