Open Your Mind and Enter

Anai, go back and read Xenophone’s post a little more slowly. He is not REALLY accusing you of a spelling error. You didn’t make one. Rather, he is pointing out some inconsistiencies in your message. You may need a dictionary.

BTW, that is why some of us has a “system” of beliefs–it dosen’t imply that we buy into a label, but rather that there are underlying systematic guidelines to our feelings towards the world: For example, I believe that beating up old ladies is Bad; I don’t have to deterimine my beliefs from scratch everytime I meet a new Hazel, Mae, or Bertha.

You know, he likes to pretend he is smug on the outside, but inside Anal Bender has got to be feeling like he’s been sodomized by a spiky tiger penis. Raw, sticky, and confused.


C’mon, no name-calling or this’ll be going to the Pit. Not that that would necessarily be a bad place for it…

'Pologies, ma’am. I’ll keep it cool from here on in. Though it does look like this thread is just about kaputt.


Whew! Lot’s to catch up on!

I disagree.

I disagree.

I agree with that, because it is Spiritus.

I disagree.

I disagree.

I disagree.

I disagree.

I disagree.

I disagree.

I emphatically disagree.

I disagree. Oops. [… sheepish grin …] Sorry, Gaudere…

I disagree.

I disagree.

More as time becomes available.


You are hilarious! I like the way you think. I’m being sincere. My ribs hurt… all I can type…


Lib, that was a brilliant and exhaustive analysis. I am, again, in awe of your perspicacity.

I agree.

Maybe one day I will understand.

<meditates some more>


I noticed that the only thing Libertarian emphatically disagreed with was my “Huh?”.

I need to rethink my position.

Actually, Anai did spell “trouncing” as “troucing”. Not that this is by any means Anai’s greatest fault.

<GASP> Are you suggesting that Anai Bendai is a sock puppet for Esstriol? But that would be breaking the rules!

Hey, that’s one I haven’t heard before. I take it that it means something along the lines of “has to come trolling to other MBs to get attention while insisting all the while that no attention is desired.”

Maybe you oughta cut back. Just a suggestion.

I think this is in reference to the fact that Anai Bendai posted the same exact thing twice, but by now the moderators may have taken the duplicate post out.

I looked over at their message board, and Esstriol and Anai Bendai seem to to be moderators for two separate forums (I suppose it still could be a sock puppet kind of thing, but it seems unlikely).

Their message board is artistically done and very colorful, but also quite new and they probably were doing a PETA type thing (as discussed in a different thread), doing something brash and annoying to gain attention to their cause.

Must be the jetlag. Nurse – 200cc caffeine, stat!

Has someone been playing with my paradigms again?

Anai Bendai, we don’t go in for head games here. We dislike people who say one thing, mean another, and then say they meant something completely different. This is a forum for debates and reason. If you wish to debate the merits of your message board on a reasonable level I will be among those defending this message board on a similarly reasonable level. Unless, of course, you convince me yours is better than this one. In which case I will post there more often than I post here, and post in this thread on your side. Convince me. I’m skeptical. By the way, what do you have against skeptics? Were you doubted as a child? :slight_smile:

Hmm. Maybe someone is trying to incite a board war by impersonating moderators from another board. Both “our” Anai Bendai and “our” Esstriol have Hotmail accounts (anaibendai@hotmail, esstriol@hotmail, respectively), while neither “their” Anai Bendai nor “their” Esstriol list any e-mail address. Finally, notice that once Anai Bendai showed up, Esstriol stopped posting.

I’ve been to the board Esstriol hyped and posted there. Anai Bendai responded to some of my posts, and I’ve read others by him/her. Anai Bendai is a very tolerant, open person there. Perhaps The Ryan is right, but we have nothing more than weak circumstantial evidence and hearsay to back it up.

to wit, the web page design is pretty flashy.
As for the rest, well…
I flipped through the message board; it looks like about maybe 7 or 8 people altogether posting on this site, so I can understand the desire to attract more people. The only threads I looked at closely were one on atheists and agnostics, which showed very little awareness of atheism, and one on democracy and education. Most of the posts in the former thread were obviously made by people who have debated victoriously many times with atheists and trounced them in logical debate…IN THEIR DREAMS. In short, lots of straw men thrown up by posters, no atheists posting. The other thread was on whether America is truly a democracy and something or other about education reform. It wasn’t TOO bad, though it wasn’t exactly earth-shaking, either; check it out if you want, but I didn’t see any ideas that haven’t been gone over here more than once (and IMO better).

If the members of the Gathering want to contribute here, we should welcome them, provided they stop the foolishness seen in this thread and construct cogent arguments for their views. Posting to the Gathering by SDMB people may or may not be a waste of time, you should decide for yourselves; it’s not for me - I already spend too much time on this board!

Oh, and Lib, the last post of the thread “A REAL DEMOCRACY”, when I looked at it, was by someone with the handle “papatrouter” whose entire post was

A worthy nemesis for you, perhaps.

I just read the statement under “New Visitors Please Read”. Whoever wrote this garbage is a nut. It’s worth a chuckle, though.

So approach this site with a caveat emptor from me.