Open Your Mind and Enter

Oh. Sorry. Didn’t realize the spam invitation had been so rudely recalled.
Let me now make a Satan-like proclomation:

I will not give a dollar to anyone who goes over and begins participating on The Gathering’s site. You want a board war? On your own heads, buddies. Leave well enough alone.

Note: Not giving a dollar to those who go over to The Gathering does not mean giving a dollar to those who do not.

(I’ve always found that people who jump on misspelled words are kind of people who think they are really intelligent but are actually nursing a sub-negating personality inadequacy disorder. I should know, I used to be one of them. I’ve been where you guys are now; cocky & tough. In 5 years, you will wince at your current braggadocio. I can only feel for your future embarrassment.)


Maeglin said:

Aw, hell. These goes my entire sense of self-esteem.

Sorry, Dopers prefer to communicate from between two chunks of bread. But thanks.



See, I’m really lucky like that. I work in a world-changing-for-the-better kind of job, which just happens to get slow a fair amount of the time. So part of the day I can save the world, and part of the day I can jack off. Life is good.


For not being interested in the site, you guys sure do keep talking about it. I wonder if… if… you’ve just been manipulated???

Hmmm… I bet no ones ever fingered your strings before and then TOLD YOU ABOUT IT.

You guys were too easy. I have to chuckle.

My insults weren’t sincere, but my intentions were. I got you talking. My work’s done. That’s all I have time for this afternoon. It was fun, and there are no hard feelings intended. You’re a bunch of bright guys and girls. That’s why we came here.

Visit the site if you feel it’s something you’d like to give a shot, if not, I really don’t care.

Each to his own.

“I tip my hat to thee…”
Anai Bendai

Can anyone say “ex post facto rationalization?”


uh, oh. careful, they’re using clever tricks like this to get activity on their web site. be vewwwwwwy vewwwwwwy cawefuwwww

Anai said:

As opposed to the 20,000 other threads on this board, which are completely blank because we don’t feel like saying anything. Right.

Anai, you sound like you’re trying to be sincere, so let me be sincere with you. You and Esstriol are coming off like dinks. I mean, you’re never seen on this board before, and you show up proclaiming the wonders of your site. That’s spam. Then, on your site, you specifically denigrate skeptics- which, had you bothered to peruse this site before spamming, you would have realized we consider ourselves to be. Then, when we make statements about your spam and hostility in the same nature to which it was sent to us, you get all abrasive and insulting.

And you think we’re going to take you seriously?

You still haven’t addressed the question of why your site is in any way, shape, or form better than this site. This site, and especially this forum, is devoted to discussions and debates, regarding governance, Truth, appearances, etc. You claim your site does the same, but your site states it doesn’t like skeptics. What incentive do any of us here have to bother to follow you to your site?

It’s an honest question. Convince me that your site has merits more than this site, and I’ll start exploring. But you’ve got a lot of convincing to do.


An introduction through challenge degrading immediately to insult and ending with psychobabblical pomposity. It is an excellent way to make an impression. I commend you on your ardor and enthusiasm.

Of course, some might have chosen to make a good first impression, but I understand your need to express your individual inner truths.

{insert Wallyism here)

None of you has even guessed my real intention of posting here with you today have you?
It WASN’T to announce the website. Someone else did that already.
It wasn’t REALLY to convince you to come visit the website, I was far too impolite for you not to all get defensive.

Might at least one of you guess my REAL m.o. was here?


Intelligent choices:
1.) Keeping the thread bumped up near the top, so that other people could see it.

Likely choices:
2.) Indulging in adolescent fantasies of making an insulting argument and having everyone immediately realize how smart you are.

3.) Hoping to annoy the piss out of us so that we’ll go off to the other site in the hopes that you won’t follow.

4.) Wasting a Friday afternoon.

Just a guess, of course: To see how people react when you pretend to have a nervous breakdown on a message board?

Please, darlin’. We’ve seen it before. He owes me ten grand.

Spiritus Mundi,

I am truly impressed by your wit and insight. You have seen through me as though I were as transparent as a ghost.

It’s reassuring to cross palms with a subtle thinker every once in a while while out on the endless roads.


Thank goodness we have moronic little trolls available to come in and cleverly manipulate us bright boys and girls into talking.

(Anai Bendai – that was sarcasm. Yes, really! It’s closely related to the irony I used in my previous post. BTW, I’ve always found that those who issue blanket statements about groups with which they’ve had limited interaction are invariably shallow, peer-dependent, and close-minded.)

Fact is, we don’t care what your intention was. There is one rule in places like this.

Reply on the level of logos.

Your written word is your bond. You mean what you say. What you say we reply to. This is not a place for sock puppets, hidden agendas, demonstrations of sophomoric psychological knowledge. We prefer straightforward discussion. When people write, we give them the benefit of the doubt that they mean what they say and they wish us to reply to what they say.

If your intentions were otherwise, then perhaps this is not the best place for you.


manny said:

He still does?

Well, that shoots down my theory for how you got the money for this thread.


I’d like to stay and chat, but my mommy has made my coffee for me and I have to go drink it now.

Anai >;)