Operation Rescue, Planned Parenthood, Trump, Republicans

By way of our good friends over at Daily Kos

(There are other links to be had, but this one has a picture of the Pestilence Elect grinning and gripping with the head of Operation Rescue, Mr. Troy Newman…whom they quote…)

Oh, goody.

Now, what are we to make of this? So far as I know, Il Douche has not declared his solidarity with OpResc. I expect if he had, Mr Newman would have bragged on it. But, apparently, the appointment of Mr Sessions is pretty near the same thing or…

Is it the Republican solidarity that he relies upon? It is well known that the Republicans are pretty harsh as regards PP, who’s foul crimes have been documented by no less an investigative reporter than the esteemed Mr O’Keefe, may the diseases of the camel infest his groin.

Now, according to Gallup, PP enjoys a solid favorability of 60%. Be that as it may, the Republicans campaign against it as it were a pro-leprosy endeavor.

Are they counting on Il Douche to be their pointman, here? Are they counting entirely on his massive popularity. His huge victory amongst the voting public, a mere two million short of even, to overwhelm that favor? Taken with Mr Ryan’s noises about Medicare/Medicaid and Republicans traditional pro-money stance…what does it all mean?

Given the results, can they really believe they have a mandate, the will of the people says, in one voice, that they can tear up everything they don’t like? Is there the least hint of cooperation and compromise in any of this?

Do they really believe it? That their victory is so massive and compelling, they can take the whole country apart and reassemble it according to their will? Much as I disdain, I didn’t really think they were that crazy!

Are they?

I sent Planned Parenthood a check this morning.

Get ready for four years of this kind o shit… and worse.

You owe me a laptop.

Hope and rationalization are powerful.

I suspect that Mr. Newman is high on hope.
I also suspect that Mr. Trump doesn’t pull his hair out worrying about accord among his words and actions.
I also harbor suspicions that Trump is wiling to swap horses mid-stream if it seems that it may be expedient to do so.
My suspicions that the faithful will find ways to accommodate the latest operative statement are already fully formed.

I’d say this is my hope, but it’s hard to classify the expectation that a politician and his promises are soon parted as anything so dicey as hope.
That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.

“White man killing off the buffalo. Occupying all our lands. Building railroads and cities. Maybe just me, but I start to get feeling that he plans on staying.”
Their authoritarian streak has been proudly on display for quite a while now. What did you expect?

What I’m getting at, aside from shock, horror and dismay…is wonder and astonishment. To all appearances, the Republicans seem to believe that what was previously impossible is suddenly right to hand. They didn’t just win, they triumphed, their enemies scattered before them like jackals before the lion.

Seems rather an exaggeration. Can’t help but wonder who they are trying to convince, us or themselves? Suddenly Operation Rescue is dignified? America is clamoring to jail Planned Parenthood, tear down Roe v Wade? Because of Trump? Because his base is solid in their affection and support for corporate America? The intermingling of the WWE and National Review?

Do they think the can control him, he is obedient and eager to do their bidding? Seems from here they are the ones kissing the brown ring.

Yes, and they are probably right. They don’t need a mandate; once they have control of the government they can do as they please and nobody can stop them. All the safeguards meant to stop something like that will be in their hands, not anybody else’s.

Republicans will soon control all three branches of government and almost enough states to fantasize about calling a constitutional convention. Hudson from Aliens would like a word.

No, he just takes it off.

High on hope, I hope.

I’ll be surprised if Trump treats them differently than any other marks.

One thing that I’ve noticed, and I said this in another thread, is that no matter what Republican campaign on, as soon as they get the reigns of power, they first thing they do is go after abortion. No matter what other ills we are suffering from, gotta get that abortion legislation out there pronto. Get ready for another crack at the abortion wall, because it’s coming as sure as winter. Perhaps the only hope otherwise is that Trump really isn’t anti-abortion in the first place. But I doubt he’ll oppose Congress if they send him a bill to sign on the matter.

The thing is, though, while most Americans oppose making abortion illegal, but most Americans are also on the side of there being more restrictions than exist today. I just don’t think most Americans have that as priority numero uno the way Congressional Republcans do.

I hope so. There are several amendments that need to be passed.

  1. Repeal the 16th, implement the Fair Tax, and mandate a balanced budget from Congress.

  2. Repeal the 17th, impose term limits on Congress

  3. English to be the official language

Those will do for a start.

Holy shit. I knew you were an idiot, but a Fair Tax idiot ? Jeezus. Please tell me you get kicked enough in the nuts in your day job that you’ll never reproduce.

Nice thing about message boards, you never need to back away slowly while glancing about for the nearest exit.

CDC reports lowest abortion rates in decades

Thought I’d throw this out there. I think the average pro-life conservative imagines the abortion rate has risen under Obama. The right better hurry and eliminate abortion before it becomes obsolete without them. :slight_smile:

Given the unenlightened, mostly incoherent collections of letters that you consider to be your own thoughts and posts, I’m not sure that implementing an official language would be beneficial for anyone.

Why do you want such a horribly regressive tax? Or do you think the lower socioeconomic classes should bear the greatest burden for funding the government while the rich pay an even smaller proportional share? Not to mention that would eliminate business tax - why shouldn’t businesses pay taxes? Don’t they use government services like sewer, water, electric, depend on national defense, international treaties, and so forth like the rest of us? Oh, and repeal of the tax credit for mortgage holders is really going to fuck up people purchasing houses, but who the fuck cares if you change the rules on such a major purchase, right? That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s a ton of other negatives.

Who the FUCK comes up with shit ideas like that?

What’s wrong with the direct election of senators? It’s served the right-wing asshats well so far, why change now?

Oh, right - can’t have the Democrats changing the one-party rule. Prevent direct elections and maybe the party in power can stay in power. It’s just that urge to limit who can vote all over again.

Why? Isn’t it already the de facto official language? What was the constitution written in, Swahili?

This is just code for “English only” - again, what’s the point? English is already the international language these days, we’re not going to give it up. Does it cause you pain to see the occasional sign with a smaller Spanish translation underneath the English part? Why does that cause you pain? Oh, right, I forgot - Americans are the only people on the planet too stupid to learn a second language. Except, of course, for the millions who already know a second language. Some of them even know a third! Our incoming First Lady speaks six languages, oh the HORROR!

Seriously, dude, when Spanish became more prominent and I changed to job where I encounter Spanish speakers almost daily I didn’t whine and bitch about it, I started to study Spanish. So now when the las abuelas ask me ¿Dónde están los zapatos? I can say Los zapatos estan ahí. I don’t say it very well, and my accent is terrible, but the little old ladies love that I make the effort and between my very broken Spanish and their equally broken English commerce occurs and everyone is happy. I sell the shoes, and they go home with new footwear. And if that makes you butthurt so be it. That’s a Republican for you - all for capitalism and learning new skills to stay competitive EXCEPT OH MY GOD DON’T MAKE ME LEARN A WORD IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE PLEASE PLEASE GOD NO MY BRAIN WILL BREAK!!! WTF is wrong with Americans that they can’t learn a second language? Doesn’t even have to be Spanish - see, that’s the beauty of NOT having official languages, it makes it easier to adapt. If in the next 50 years Mandarin becomes really important we can all just learn to muddle through Mandarin. Or Portuguese. Or Hindu. Or Arabic. Or whatever. Frankly, the nation as a whole would be better off if we all spoke a second language at least a bit, and if we spoke a whole bunch of different second languages.

Anyhow, here’s an idea: instead of passing bullshit laws we don’t need (because the dominance of English is not going away for a long time) how about you folks in the winning circle actually spend time on real needs, like fixing our roads and bridges, beefing up the integrity of the power grid, and stuff like that?

I believe that the premise is that we have more impact on the electors than we do on the elected that way.
The theory being that our concerns are more important to our local reps than to our national reps.

Keep in mind that Clothy lives in Texas. A state well-known for having absolutely no one speak any language other than English, and no cultural diversity.