opine on my recipe please - pork roast, crock pot

pork shoulder roast
light soy sauce
white pepper
cayenne powder (light dusting)

2 granny smith apple 8ths
1 large sweet yellow onion, thick slices
some baby carrots
1 orange bell pepper
1 habanero quartered
about 12 whole black peppercorns

2 bottles Granny Smith Woodchuck Draft Cider - enough to cover above
Did I leave out anything obvious? I debated about garlic, looked for elephant, they didn’t have any so I skipped it due to the apples. May have been better with garlic, but will still be tasty I think…

I made this up. What would you do differently?

For sides I will have whole baked sweet potatoes in jackets, cole slaw, and I bought a whole fresh pineapple.

That’s a lot of sugar when I look at it all spelled out like that.

Sounds good. How do you plan on serving it? Is this for Sandwiches? Main course?

I’d probably add a little coriander if I had some on hand (maybe a couple teaspoons?). Just seems like it would take it that one extra step farther.

I’m serving this as main course and maybe sandwiches or just nuked left-overs. Left-overs are my favorite breakfast.

Coriander sounds good, but I don’t think I have any right now. Thanks for the response.

I’ll probably steam some brown rice for the pot liquor tomorrow.

And in case that was misunderstood. I meant ground coriander seed, not cilantro. Much different animal.