Opining that Jesus or God are fictional characters is trolling, by definition?

This is a terrible argument. Atheist threadshits should slide and everyone else should just accept them?
What other threadshits get a pass or is it only this one?

You’d have done well not to have gone off on that homophobia/misogyny tangent, then.

I got an “Official Warning ™” in this thread for saying the same thing several others have w/o mod action. Of course, the others weren’t foolish enough to use the horrendously offensive term “butthurt” to describe somebody so I hang my head in shame.

It was an example of a denigrating statement against a group of people and in that context it’s valid.

They are, or would be, a very small problem if they were just ignored. I think there is a real possibility that moderating them will make them a bigger problem than they are at the moment.

That’s not the same as saying they’re good and lovely; it’s just pragmatism - if the solution makes the problem more acute, it’s not actually a solution.

Plenty of other drive-by comments get a pass. Threadshitting normally describes denigration of the topic of the OP (e.g. “Macs is shit, innit” in a thread titled “what do you like about your Apple products?”). I’m not even sure that dropping an irrelevant one-liner (regardless how tiresome it may be) about your particular hobby-horse even is threadshitting. It happens a lot.

So are we talking about offensive comments, or are we talking about hijacks?

They’re usually both.

I guess I don’t understand why you think the viewpoint of atheists is horribly insulting and equivalent to homophobia/misogyny in one context only, but acceptable in others.

So when your kid is getting bullied at school you’re going to tell him to be pragmatic? That’s the way to deal with a problem?

I never said the viewpont is insulting. I said making denigrating remarks about a group of people is insulting.

OK, but why is that insulting in one context and not others?

Another irrelevant/inapt analogy? Can we finish dealing with the other ones first?

It’s completely relevant. You don’t want the comments moderated. I’m saying that’s not how you deal with the situation. Don’t hand wave away my concerns.

Saying “I don’t believe in God” = not insulting
Saying “Your God doesn’t exist and you’re stupid for believing in him” = insulting

You already know this I suspect but for some reason you feel this particular insult is A-OK

Argument by analogy is pointless when the two parties cannot agree on the relevance of the analogy itself. If my kid is being called names at school (a much closer analogy than yours), yes, I might very well counsel him to shrug it off and move on, if I genuinely thought that engaging with the controlling authorities would just stir up more shit than it put down.

The funny thing is that neither of those things are actually said. These are the meanings you say are implied by ‘God’ as a response to "who is the most popular fictional character. You’re taking offence at a detail filled in by your imagination.

I don’t know why you would say this. Please elaborate.

Because you keep arguing that nothing should be done about it.
And if you don’t acknowledge the insult in that statement then I guess we’ll simply have to disagree.


  1. Mod note changed to a Formal Warning.

Do not throw personal insults in About This Message Board. We really mean it.

  1. This thread has run its course and is now mostly bickering . It should be clear to everyone by this point what is considered appropriate behavior on these issues and what is not. If you want to slap at one another, take it elsewhere.