It saddens me just a bit when a dear friend forwards something wacky from this site. I don’t think I would have ever heard of him if not for that. But, it explains why this friend has some strange ideas, as he apparently has a lot of faith in this guy and his site.
I’m not very familiar with him (he’s a CTer–that’s all I need to know), but it made me wonder (if you know anything about him): Do you think he (Jeff Rense) actually believes his own website, or is it more just a matter of knowing there’s a market for that kind of stuff, and catering to it?
It’s like one stop shopping.
Blather, Rense, Repeat.
That site is harder on the eyes than Drudge. Good Lord!
I have no information about whether Rense actually believes the stuff that’s on the site. I will say this much: some people claim that nobody could possibly believe this stuff. Actually it’s very possible to believe this stuff, so it’s certainly within the realm of plausibility that Rense believes what he says.
When I consider wealthy Xtian leaders of mega-churches, and especially when I look at politicians, I am inclined to think they aren’t very sincere. I think most of them just found a good racket and are running a very profitable game. That’s what Rense, Coulter, or even Rush, make me feel. Doesn’t really matter, because the effects are the same, either way. Who cares what they really think? … for all intents and purposes, unless they fess up later, it’s irrelevant.
The people who run sites like,,,,,* etc. strike me as being good marketers, catering to a paranoid conspiracy theory-prone audience while also believing a good deal of the nonsense they churn out.
Sometimes it’s fun to watch the balancing act they go through to retain their looniest fans while attempting to not appear 100% batshit insane themselves. An example was a recent article on NaturalNews referencing the belief that alien reptiloids disguised as British royalty and prominent politicians** are controlling us. The article tried to project amused skepticism while never coming right out and saying that people who believe such things need medication and/or restraints.
apologies to similarly off-the-wall websites which I’ve left out.
for instance, Obama (both Barack and Michelle).
***Hillary Clinton as a Reptilian? Now that’s a no-doubter.