Opinions wanted on my student film

So me and my freshman roommate have an annual tradition of competing in something called Campus Moviefest. Basically, teams of three or more people sign up to make movies, and the company gives you a camcorder, macbook with Final Cut Pro, and some film equipment for one week. All of the filming and editing of your movie must be done within this week, and at the end you turn in your equipment. One week later, student judges pick the best few movies, and they get shown on the big screen.

Our week was over yesterday, and I turned in our team’s movie. I think it’s good, but I wanted to get opinions from some people with intelligence. Is it funny? Dumb? Both? Just plain bad?

You can watch it here.

Really? No one has any feedback?

Hey, it’s only 5 minutes long, people!

I like the way the FBI agent pulls the file out from under his coat.

I would say more, but I don’t want to spoil it. :slight_smile:

Wait … FBI agents go to Georgia Tech ??!

Funny in places, but too long.

You should have cut most of the FBI agent’s lines and the whole first mission.

And the ending should have involved more explosions.

But other than that, it was pretty good for what it is.

“…we need someone who can catch them. Someone who can drive really, really fast.”

Best line in the whole movie.

That was adorable. It totally reminded me of the stuff me and my two buddies used to do when we were in college. (Google “Apocalypse Films” and I think you can see some of their stuff if you want.) They always used to get me to be an actor in their stuff because I was nuts and would do any weird-ass thing they needed, including being buried in a shallow grave.

Your film was really very fun. I love to see stuff like that. You did a great job! Keep making movies. One of the guys that I used to embarrass myself for (i.e., be an actor in his movies) is now an animator in California, so if serious movie making is your goal I know that if you keep at it, it can happen. :slight_smile:

Whoops, I got the name wrong, it’s Apocalypse Productions. If that doesn’t work try D. Bruce Mitchell films, Boogey Man Car or Chris Bare. I hope they still have stuff on the internet because it’s good fun!

I didn’t do most of the editing, I wrote the script. But since I hung out with Justin as he was doing the editing, I know that the explosions, lasers, rocket, etc. took forever to do. There was green screening and stuff, and we just barely finished on time as it is.
But I agree. I would have loved for there to be more explosions.

Dragged a bit, but it was cute. I laughed out loud at the invisible binoculars. The green screening is impressive considering the time limit, and I liked the car accident at the beginning. Good luck with the competition!

The invisible binoculars were actually an ad-lib; we had bought some toy binoculars, but forgot them back at the apartment. I told Kyle to just pretend.

Honestly, it’s a pretty bad movie. Not particularly funny, sloppily edited and too long. The audio was bad, and that main guy’s voice kept cracking. I wouldn’t watch it again, but other here seem to like it, so ymmv.

The cars were hilariously bad. But I take it that was the point.

I think it would have been funnier if the ‘Japanese’ guy was actually speaking Japanese. Speaking of dialogue, ‘They’re selling illegal drugs to finance their illegal operations’ bothered me just because of the use of ‘illegal’ twice in it. The acting was really, really bad. But hey, that’s what you get when you use non-actors.

Given the time constraint, I think it was a good effort. It was funny and fun.


Thanks for everyone’s input. The viewing of the top films submitted is tomorrow, so I’m crossing my fingers.