just had my thread closed by the esteemed mr. buckner, and dagnabit, i ain’t none too pleased. I don’t quite appreciate his sentiment that for a thread to be legitimate, it must consist of a totally original idea. I mean, If I feel that someone else can better express a concept than I can, whats wrong with bringing that idea into the realm of fellow dopers for discussion? What might this Mod have been trying to accomplish by closing a perfectly good discussion?
I think that, at the very least, you are supposed to express your opinion on things, not just rely upon the words of someone else.
You’re the one who needs to put thoughts into your posts, not the authors of that webpage.
Just guessing, though…IANAM…
why can’t we simply study & discuss the concept objectively? Do we really start debates to validate ourselves and our views? I for one certainly hope not.
Well, quite simply, no one wants to read your article blindly without at least some sort of prompting.
From the FAQ - guidelines for posting at the SDMB:
copyright issues
At the Straight Dope Message Board, being a message board based on a series of books and newspaper columns, we encourage the respect of copyright law. The rules of the Straight Dope Message Board are enforced by volunteer moderators who are not all legal experts in these matters. So we offer a set of guidelines that may be more conservative or stringent than the law in your jurisdiction, but that we think may help avoid the copyright violation issue. In this as in many other matters we depend not only on moderator enforcement, but also ask for the cooperation and goodwill of our posters.
Suggested guidelines:
[li]If you are going to quote something from an article, quote less than 5% of the source. Include a link to the article if the article is available online.[/li][li]Only quote directly in very rare circumstances. Instead of repeating a source word-for-word, read the article, attempt to understand it, and rephrase what it says in your own words. Again, include a link to the source if the source is available online. Otherwise indicate a reference to the source (e.g. Science News, issue x, pages yy-zz).[/list=A][/li][/quote]
How do you mean? Although the thread has now been butchered by the mod, when I posted it I made it clear that it was an essay from another site (which i linked to), and cited the author.
Damn mods, how are we supposed to understand this confusing gibberish!!
State the question. If it needs further expanding refer to the site. The site isnt going to speak for you. Only you know what you want to say.
I usually don’t click on a link without at least some attempt at a summary being made, since my internet connection is slow enough as it is. Mind you, a summary could consist of “Click the link for hot lesbian action” and it would be sufficient, but I generally don’t risk bandwidth on something like “Click the link, it’s funny” or “Click the link, it’s interesting” or whatever.
no one violated any copyright laws here.
Not really, but it’s more that you have to actual post something other than an article IE Your opinion of it and discussion.
There is a Certain Other Board where a Certain Other Poster posts approximately 40,000 threads a day which consist of articles she found online. While that may work for that Other Board, it’s “just not done” here.
Theoretically, and in an ideal world, every OP should contain an idea, a position, something to talk about. More than just “Here, read this and tell me what you think”, whether by linking or by posting an entire article. This board is more rigorous. You need to contribute something yourself before asking others to contribute.
Don’t be mad. It’s no big deal. It’s just the style here.
I’m new. What’s that other certain site?
: sigh :
I shouldn’t have phrased it that way. Talking about other boards is not really kosher here, either, and I’m sorry to be coy about it. It’s a Christian message board which has several members both here and there. Email me (see my profile) if you’d like me to tell you specifically.
Oh, hell. I’m not trashing that other board, and it’s not verboten to link to it. (What is verboten is trashing it, or starting any conversation that might remotely lead to bickering back and forth between the boards.) It’s The Pizza Parlor. I’m done discussing other message boards now!
Perhaps it would come as news to you that it’s possible to breach copyright even if you include the author’s name and citation?
It’s called an unauthorised reproduction. Put simply, DON’T reproduce a substantial part of a copyright work or subject matter unless you can rely on a defence to breach of copyright. Hint: giving the citation is not a defence. Reproducing an article for the purpose of criticism or review is also an unlikely defence if you copy the whole darn thing.
:eek: :rolleyes:
- To consist of; be composed of: “The French got… French Equatorial Africa, comprising several territories” (Alex Shoumatoff).
- To make up the constituent parts of; constitute or form: an exhibit composed of French paintings; the many ethnic groups that compose our nation.
Nothing’s comprised of something else. You could say “OPs composed of a third-party essays,” although there was only one such essay. The most fitting term would be “OPs that consist of third-party essays”.
I don’t think he used a deceptive thread title, either.