Opus 7/15/07

Is that Bill the Cat I see in the background? I would love it if he came back.


<perk> Did Bloom County come back & I did not know it?

It’s Opus now, on Sundays. It is also on Salon.com, where you can sit through a short ad if you don’t have a subscription.


Yeah, it sure looks like Bill. I could do without him, though.

Where are you seeing Bill the Cat? Is this a case of the online version missing frames that are in the print version? Because I don’t see Bill anywhere in this.

That link is a week behind.

Bill has been popping up right along.

In the last panel, you definitely see it’s Bill. Or Bill’s severed head floating in the pond.

Binkley is back too, with no explanation either for his return or why he hasn’t aged like Steve Dallas has.


And what looks like Bill’s filthy hinder, sticking out of the water in the first panel.

Berke Breathed brought back (hey, alliteration!) Opus as a Sunday-only strip in November 2003. Bill the Cat was the first of Opus’ old Bloom County friends to appear in his new strip. He even ran for mayor of Bloom County, but lost the election because of an affair with Paris Hilton.


It’s been in the local paper here only since about the beginning of this year. I guess I didn’t notice Bill before today.