My Google-fu is failing here. Is it his penis?
The water hose. If she doesn’t obey, he’ll hose her down with cold water.
I took it to mean a rubber hose with which she’d be beaten.
In the book, Gumb is meticulous about keeping Catherine Martin clean, sending down a bucket of soapy water with a sponge, as well as expensive skin lotion. If she refuses, the best he can do is spraying her down with water from a hose from the top of the well.
Moving to Cafe Society.
General Questions Moderator
How would he beat her with a rubber hose when he is up there and she is down there?
gotta be the water hose
I’m convinced.
If his penis could reach her all the way down there then that would have been a different movie.
Screaming of the lambskin?
Or the foreskin, as the case may be.
He wouldn’t be beating her with a rubber hose - it would leave marks. Wouldn’t want that.
Unless he wanted to go for the ‘distressed’ look.
Flipping through the channels, I just saw a moment of Monk. Did you know that the actor who plays Captain Stottlemeyer played Jame Gumb? For some reason, I just can’t see it.
Here’s a fuller explanation, boxed in case someone doesn’t want a lot backstory, etc. Plus it’s gruesome.
[spoiler]Ted Levine plays Jame Gumb, a serial killer with an odd kink. He wants to make a new skin out of women’s skins. So he kidnaps girls, puts them in a pit in his basement, starves them a bit to make the skin loose, kills them and then removes the skin from the bigger areas of their bodies.
Brooke Smith plays Catherine Martin, the daughter of a US senator who Gum kidnaps. Hence the FBI involvement, race against time, etc.
In the infamous scene, Gumb gives Martin a tube of skin lotion and orders her to apply it. No doubt to keep the skin smooth for his “project”. If she doesn’t do it, he will spray her with a garden hose. Being wet in basement pit is no fun so Martin complies.
Gumb uses the word “it” for Martin in order not to think of her as human.
It’s much weirder if you saw Monk before seeing Silence of the Lambs.
“Hey, did you know Captain Stottlemeyer was in Silence of the Lambs and he had a scene where he stood naked before the camera with his penis tucked back out of sight?”