Order of the Stick - Book 6 Discussion Thread

I think I’d have to put Monster-San at third, after Redcloak and O-Chul. But that’s good company to be keeping.

so interested

So much has happened that I forgot about the friendship between Monster-San and O-Chul (shakes fist on preview at Chronos for calling him Monster-san before I did.) Let alone that O-Chul and the paladins are another faction.

As an easy reference later.
Order of the Stick - Book 5 Discussion Thread - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board Book 5 discussion
Order of the Stick General Discussion Thread (Open Spoilers and Speculation) - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board Discussion starting from “Good to the Last Drip”

A more significant incident was when he sent O-chul and Vaarsuvius away before Xykon could kill them. But he seems to have figured out (or been told by the roaches) that he did that.


And, were back.

So, is Durkon concentrating on simple, wholesome memories just to give his possessing spirit as disagreeable a ride as possible? :smiley:

Not just that-- He’s specifically remembering the first time he ever saw the Sun.

Thinking of the sun - civil disobedience against vampiric domination.

His mom was pretty badass.

I wonder how she lost her arm?

5-1 says a tree was involved :wink:

I was wondering about that, too… Mining accident? Orcish raid? Attacked by a vicious gingko?

I’m glad to see Durkon’s soul isn’t actually being tortured in there, and that he remember happy things. I hope he can lose himself in his happy memories while the evil soul isn’t talking to him… although knowing him, he might consider it his duty to stay fully aware of what’s going on around him at all times in case an opportunity presents itself. After all, doing your duty is what being a dwarf is all about … ESPECIALLY if it makes ye miserable.

I just noticed that he seems to have changed art styles – the stick figure parts, like the arms and hands and legs, have some thickness to them now, with an outline and a colored interior. Interesting… now I guess we’ll be able to tell when somebody has pants on, for one thing.

I wondered what felt weird ! Now I see it too. Durkon’s breastplate also has a welding seam now.

One thing I just wondered : since VampireDurkon doesn’t worship the same god as DorfDurkon, shouldn’t he be forced to switch holy symbols which would be something of a big giveaway ?

Perhaps it was lost during the Pine Wars.

I actually didn’t interpret this as Durkon reviewing happy memories or thinking of the sun to punish the vampire spirit. My take on this was that the vampire was going through his memories to learn more about him so as to better impersonate him, especially if they run into Durkon’s family.

That’s my take as well.

Well, Hel is directly involved in the whole thing, so presumably she can say “alright, from now on my holy symbol is this, which happens to look just like Thor’s.”

As for the new art style, I like shiny new things, but I’m also scared of change. It definitely makes the dwarves look really stocky.