If I remember correctly, Bill didn’t put up too much of a fight last time, even when Dave told him he thinks 90% of what he says is crap. The crowd will again be decidedly Pro-Dave (obviously), which should shut the old windbag up.
That said, what is he promoting on the show anyway?
Well, it’s the time of year when the liberals again begin their campaign to destroy Christian values by saying “Happy Holidays”, and as Bill O’Reilly is Western civilization’s last line of defense against such pernicious attacks, he has little choice but to step forward.
Eh, why is that good? I’d rather a non-partisan crowd so we can actually see them debate. It’s boring when any time Letterman. Jon Steward or whomever makes a crack the crowd goes wild drowning out any response and eating into the discussion time.
Just my $.02 but I think Letterman et al. can stand on their own without the peanut gallery.
It was interesting. I especially liked this exchange:
O’Reilly: “Do you know what Ansar al-Islam is? Do you know what that is? You don’t. And I’m not saying this in a condescending way. I’m really not. OK? I’m not going to call you a bonehead or a pinhead. I’m not. Ansar al-Islam was the al Qaeda affiliate in northern Iraq. They tried to import the British water supply with ricin. They operated with Saddam Hussein’s OK. Again, complicated, but it isn’t so black and white, Dave. It isn’t, ‘We’re a bad country. Bush is an evil liar.’”
Dave, stammering: “I didn’t say we were a bad country.”
O’Reilly [continues]: “That’s not true.”
Dave: “I didn’t say he was an evil liar. You’re putting words in my mouth just the way you put artificial facts in your head.”
O’Reilly: “All right. [To the audience] We’re really friends.”
I’m a little too worn out to look for specifics right now, but basically she managed to make him throw a little bitch fit and stomp off in the middle of the interview.
Pshaw. We watched it to be amused, not for thoughtful debate. It was funny because Letterman said the things some of us would like to say to O’Reilly. And Bill had to know he be talked to like that before he went on, or he’s an even bigger bonehead than we think. He got to promote his dumb book, and we got to point and laugh–it was win-win.
Merijeek is refering to this interview which ends with Mr. O’Reilly walking out during the interview when he is asked to comment on something he had said. Skip ahead about a half hour or so, it’s a hoot.
Yeah, Teri, Queen of the Softball Questions[sup]TM[/sup], somehow manages to get O’Reilly so wound up that he storms out accusing her of some kind of setup.
It’s an absolute put-on by O’Reilly that she said anything remotely offensive.
Oh, and you can catch the various Letterman/O’Reilly face offs on youtube.com
For some reason, whenever I try to play sound files from npr’s website, (like the one linked to above,) it says Windows Media Player can’t play the file. I have tried to update WMP but it says I have the latest version installed already.
Does anyone know what I might need to do to get it working? This has been bothering me for a while…