Organic food store that used to be the Sperryville Emporium.

I have searched the internet high and low. You are my only hope. On drives from Richmond, VA to Charlston, WV I used to stop at the Sperryville Emporium. It was really just a glorified flea market, but they had enough cool stuff that I never just drove by without stopping.

Last time I made the drive, last year, it had been bought and redone as an upscale furniture/home decor/organic food store. I know that sounds weird, but that is what it is.

Anyway, I can’t find a link online anywhere. Certainly they have a website, but I cannot remember the name of the store or the organic co-op affiliated with it.

Sperryville, VA, by the way.


(if anyone pulls ths one out, I will be majorly impressed)

Sunnyside Farms

Game over. I win at the Internet.

Living quite close to there, I can confirm that bradministrator has it correct. They farm their own organic beef, and sell yummy burgers (as well as lots of other stuff) at the Burger Barn. They recently (as in, a couple weeks ago) opened a pub. The same operation also has a shop in Little Washington, I believe.

Sperryville’s really coming up in the world – there’s a quite well-regarded restaurant (The Thornton River Grill) and a nice little bakery next door. Not bad for a town that’s hardly more than a jog in the Zachary Taylor Highway. (AKA 522)


You win!

All I have for a prize is this bag of flurd and 2 pieces of skivtz.