Organic honey VS normal honey

What the title says. Someone once said that there are noticeable benefits to eating organic honey over regular honey. Is this all hype over something barely noticeable or is it actually reasonably substantial. I’m not asking about the bees, though, just the honey.

Are you sure they didn’t say raw honey, not organic?

Yeah, how are they training the bees to not gather nectar and pollen from treated crops? They can forage over a big area, approx 2 miles in every direction.

There’s a hell of a lot of hype about the wonders of honey, imo. I mean, I like the stuff, I even keep bees, but the amount of rubbish claims that get spread around is silly.

I refuse to eat any honey that isn’t silicon-based.

A Scientific American article on the subject.

Honey with no pesticides in it is unlikely.

I do see honey around that’s labeled ‘organic.’ Since it’s very, very unlikely they could possibly know that, I assume the company doesn’t mind stretching the truth a bit in other areas as well, like what country the honey is from.

Organic honey? How could that bee? I’ve combed through the literature, and I can’t find anything.

The closest may be the Kangaroo Island (South Australia) honey bees.

My BIL has had honey bees for years. He says there is no such thing as organic honey.

I have friends who farm. Although much of their produce would qualify for “organic” labeling, they do not market it as such, mostly because they believe many of the claims are meaningless.

Interesting that Australian honey producers have been denouncing research finding that their honey is the most “contaminated” in the world.

Going beyond marketing of questionably “organic” honey, there’s a great deal of hype and exaggeration about purported health benefits of honey and its alleged role in disease treatment/prevention. Most of these claims are poorly supported. Yes, honey does contain vitamins and minerals (but in relatively small amounts, unless you eat a ton of honey) plus antioxidants (again, other foods have more with less sugar and calories, and consuming antioxidants is not without potential risk.

You probably misheard them. There are noticeable benefits to selling organic honey, in that you can charge more and there are people who will buy it.

It’s very common on the roadside signs for hobby honey producers in Southeastern NH. It’s all hogwash, as they can’t determine where their bees went, or if their neighbors in the bee’s “range” are all practicing organic outdoor maintenance methods.

I wonder if people are using the word “organic” when they really mean “raw”? My wife and I only buy raw honey, believing pasteurizing the product has no benefit (to adults, never feed raw honey a child under 12 month old) and alters the taste.

I’m not doubting you, but they do sell varieties of honey based on what sort of plants the bees have been visiting. I think clover honey is the most common variety but they also sell wildflower honey or orange blossom honey. I suppose if the beehive is in the middle of 200 acres of orange grove, the vast majority of the nectar collected will be from orange blossoms but the bees don’t care where they go.

The only rule to follow when you buy honey is to make sure it is domestic, or maybe Canadian. There is a lot of imported stuff that literally smells like shit. No cite. It’s like olive oil. Only California oil will do. There is so much adulteration going on outside the US. There are huge profits to be made by fraud. As or “organic honey”, most of the whole organic food thing is complete bullshit.

Organic honey: When you care enough to serve only the very best bug vomit.

Its the current buzzzzzzzzz.

If were dealing with professional bee keepers, moving hives to agricultural areas, I’d completely agree. I’m referring to the backyard keeper.

Also, in New England, there is rarely 200 acres of anything at a stretch. Our terrible soil and short season make for smaller farms and orchards in general.

Here is the organic honey in it’s natural habitat, now that I got the time to go around and find some. See, I’m not just making it up!