organising a kids drama class- where do I begin?! (long)

I wasn’t sure whether to post this here or in Cafe Society- I will bow to the powers that be should they decide to move this.

I was talking to someone over Christmas about how I have always wanted to run a Saturday drama class for local kids but wouldn’t know where to begin. Anyway, I have sparked some interest and I now have a meeting with council leaders who are interested in part-funding it, and a local school interested in letting us the hall to use. It’s very exciting but all a bit fast!

I haven’t been asked for a formal written proposal at this time but obviously I want to be well prepared (meeting is first week in January). Can anyone help suggest what things I need to have thought about and planned?

So far I have thought of this:

-Request an initial 8 week trail period with the intention of continuing indefinately should we have sufficient interest.

-Open to ages 6-12 initially; if enough children are interested we will split this into more than one age group.

-Health and safety concerns- For the early stages at least I mainly want a large empty room, so as long as everyone is appropriately dressed I don’t anticipate any issues with this (obviously I will do a full risk assessment). However I am not a trained first-aider, do you think I need to get this first?

-CRB checks- I already have advanced clearance as do the people who would be assisting me, obviously anyone else who got involved would need this as well.

-Aims and objectives. The department interested in funding me is community safety- they have a pot of cash for introducing long term schemes for children, so of course my proposal will include the benefits to the community of having this in place. Also I will cover building confidence, team work, self expression etc.

-Performance- assuming we make it past the trial period I would then like to work towards a performance. I have contacts at a local ‘little theatre’ and could negotiate a night for the cost of running, which we would hopefully cover with ticket sales.

-Initial advertising - I hope to do this mostly through local schools (the community patrollers who have been volunteered to assist me as part of their duties are based in local primary schools which would hopefully create the link) and also through libraries, posters in shops etc.

-Money- I am not asking to be paid for this and I am happy to charge a small fee to cover the cost of the room (though I want to keep this minimal) so I would only be asking for a small amount to cover scripts, possibly subsidise the cost of the room until we get the numbers up and a small amount for props.

And then moving on to what if I do get funded?

I have an endless supply of related games and training exercises, but does anyone have any suggestions for good scripts for this age group? I would like to include working from a script alongside improv. Anyone used any with success? Anyone written any they would kindly like to share?

Please throw anything and everything you can think of at me- what might catch me off guard and what should I think of in advance?
So sorry for the long post, my mind is spinning!
Thank you in advance!

I’ve done Story Theatre with that age group - which works well since you don’t need a script, just a copy of a fairy tale - you cast and give dialog to the named characters, and everyone else can be a narrator - you break up the narrative so everyone has plenty to say (and the kid who can never remember says things in unison with the kids who can). The acting is broad (appropriate for that age) the stories familiar, and the sets and costumes basic (we’ve done it with brightly colored cubes which - for some reason - are a staple of theatre set departments - and jeans and white t-shirts)

Thank you for your reply Dangerosa. That sounds like a nice simple idea to start out with - especially for the littler ones in the class. Maybe I could use Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes version of the stories to give it a twist.

That’s something to think about thank you x

You know you need? Elenfair. Here’s hoping she’ll do a vanity search soon.