Origin of "I'd hit that"

Over the last 2-3 years, I think, this phrase meaning “I imagine sex with that person would be an extremely pleasant experience” seems to have become commonplace.

Anyone know where it originated?

It’s older than that, and it doesn’t mean you imagine it, it means you would have sex with them, given the opportunity. It’s just like saying “I’d do her,” “I’d screw him,” "I wouldn’t mind… well, you get the idea. No idea of the origin, but it’s been around for awhile.

I’ve never heard “I’d hit that,” but if I did I think I would understand it. I’m 45 years old, so I don’t typically get exposed to the latest street lingo.

On the other hand, I’ve found “I’d do her,” as a response to my wife asking “do you think she’s pretty?” results in getting asked that less often.

It’s very, very common on Fark, but I don’t know if that’s where it originated

Didn’t McDonald’s briefly use it in a campaign? The subsequent giggles and snorts from Da Yoots on the internet was what first alerted me to the phrase in popular culture. So it must have existed before the McDonald’s ads.

More of a WAG, but “hit” is used in a lot of slang, specifically things that I think might be related are “to hit on [someone]”, or “to hit [drugs/cigarettes]”. My guess is it evolved from one of these two. As in, I could see someone saying “What do you think of that?” “Man, I’d like to hit on that!” implying that he’d hit on her just to get laid. I’d then imagine the “on” just got dropped.

Or, other directly related phrases are “I’d tap that”, “I’d bang her”, “I’d boink her”, etc. all of these words are very close to “hit”, so it could just be a natural progression to use a word that’s related in other senses to have the same meaning in this one. Of course, I have no idea which set came first.

It goes back to at least 1995 on USENET news groups…

I have a feeling it’s a hip-hop phrase that spread amongst the youts.

Yes. I believe that there were banner ads on some websites, in which young people enthusiastically used hip slang to indicate that, for such an affordable price, they would gladly have sexual intercourse with a cheeseburger.

Hilarity ensued, the ads were pulled fairly quickly pulled, and I assume that the McDonalds brass reevaluated their marketing strategy.

LOL, here a Wikipedia article that includes that banner:

It was used in the ‘sixties when I was in my teens and I would wager it goes back many more decades to urban black slang. It did not show up in song lyrics or TV shows as salacious talk was not something one used in mixed company, but the expression was certainly around.