Watching this really cool video called Iron Baby I saw again the Hero Landing (at about 00:26 in the vid). You know the one where after falling/dropping/ landing the character lands on one foot, one knee and one hand at the same time. I’ve seen it in quite a few movies but wondering about it’s origin. I’m guessing it’s The Matirix. Anyone know of an earlier version?
The origin preceeds the Matrix by a good bit, I am sure. I remember seeing a similar landing in the cartoon series Voltron, and that was on <mumble> years ago.
If you’re landing harder than you can absorb just with knee flexion, but not so hard that you roll (or break something)… the three-point thing comes pretty natural.
I don’t have any specific examples but I seem to recall the pose from comics books of times immemorial, before it got adopted to movies.
There were also the partial ones with the a bend of the forward knee and both hands in fists pointing straight down but still far from the ground, usually with the cement cracked around their feet.
Random WAG here, but I think the three point stance might go all the way back to the early days of football or track and field, and an artist thought it would be cool to depict a human landing like that.