The U.S. military is, apparently, pulling out of Saudi Arabia (no pun, apparently, intended)
This seems pretty significant, seeing as it has been a major point of contention within the Muslim world ever since the first Gulf War. It’s a smart move for everyone involved.
But the crazy thing is that, in OBL’s twisted world, I could see how this would make him even more of a folk hero among the zealots. Leaving aside the utter lack of a clear causal mechanism between 9/11 and these recent events in Iraq, he can claim to his followers that he not only ultimately got the West out of the holy lands, but that the only price was the fall of a hated secular dictator and temporary setbacks in Afghanistan.
In a world where pretty much everything that happens is said to “piss off the Arab street” how can the “Arab street” possibly explain away this as evidence of American evil?