I WORKED FOR THAT GUY! Andrezj Wajda, who got one of the honorary awards, was the director of a film called Stand-Ins, which I worked on in January of 1996!
I never thought I’d say, “I liked what Cher wore at the Oscars”. But I did. That ornament was really cool, kind of medieval.
Why wasn’t Jon Voigt there to see his daughter win Best Supporting Actress?
How the hell could they give Best Song to Phil Collins?
When Sarah McL. was singing, I had to hold my Cartman doll and remember all the evil things Cartman has done. Otherwise I would have lost it.
Michael Caine saying, “The Oscar simply goes to someone who is not a winner”: smooooooooth.
It’s scary to look at Haley Joel Osment and think “This is just a kid. An enormously talented kid, but still just a kid.” I hope he doesn’t go David Helfgott on us.
I never noticed those women in silver. The ones that stand near the presenters, like a cross between Secret Service and Ziegfeld girls.
Was it planned for Isaac Hayes to be obscured by smoke?
I’m glad the guy who found the Oscars got to attend, and got mentioned from the stage.
Why did the directors of Best Documentary Short bring that guy if they knew he might have a seizure on camera like that?
In the Memoriam reel, I wish they’d shown George C. Scott going ass over teakettle in Dr. Strangelove.
Begnini didn’t make a particle of sense.
“All of my parents”? How many do you have?
Opening montage was brilliant, as usual.
Didn’t think much of the gowns, except Trey Parker’s.
“His eyes are as green as a fresh-pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard,
I wish he was mine, he’s really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord.”