Other Trump NFTs?

So let’s suppose that Trump decides to followup his successful trading-card-NFT-grift with another series of valuable cards that he can have made for pennies and sell to rubes for $99 apiece in a limited (to 10,000) series. He could just do another superhero series, of course, but what else might he try to market? Remember, he has no shame and no taste, so something that you might find humiliating, he and his band of merry goobers and gomers might well find enlightening and tasteful.

I’ll start: Trump Trysts! Photoshopped portrayals of Trump mounting, grabbing the genitals of, being serviced by various women (none of whom can sue him, either because dead, fictional, mythical, etc. Examples: Trump humping Cleopatra, Lady Diana, Mona Lisa, Jackie O., Mary Magdalene, Aphrodite, Natalie Wood, Eva Peron…)

Remember, no one was bold enough to speculate that his major announcement would be of Superhero trading cards, so nothing can be too vulgar or too tacky.

His next venture will be NFTs of Melania’s porno shoots.

Get Out Of Jail Free Card: can, if Trump again becomes president, be redeemed for a federal pardon (fine print: or for 1/30th of one cent).

Trump with various heads of state (past or present, dead or alive). Looking taller, more debonaire, and with larger hands than anyone he’s paired with.

And, for a spectacularly ill-considered and tasteless card, one of Trump and a fawning, adoring Jesus looking at him.

Trump Saves The Day Series.

Trump leading firefighters into a burning building.

Trump leading a SWAT team to take down some terrorists.

Trump flying a fighter jet to shoot down some Chinese planes over the South China Sea.

Trump doing open-heart surgery on a small child.

Trump rescuing a kitten from a tree.

From the grab-a-pussy collection?

Trump violently attacking his enemies.

The advantage of this series is there is virtually no limit to the number of different subjects, since even nominal allies will eventually become enemies.

Ivana! Ivanka!
(Hey, don’t blame me! He was the one who suggested it!)

The Humiliation Series. Every man who has ever crossed Trump in any way is depicted crawling on their bellies begging his indulgence and forgiveness. They’re all depicted as the lowest, most vile and pitiful creatures imaginable. Except for Ted Cruz, who just looks like his normal self.

Wow I think you hit on something Trump may try. If Trump can get into office again he could have those cards as get out of jail free cards. That would send their value skyrocketing especially because there are a limit to them, though I’m sure Trump would sell back the ones turned in with the pay for pardon money going straight to his pocket.

Whatever it is, he’d need to find another image source to shamelessly rip off:

You know, someone with half-decent photoshop skills could probably make some coin, and certainly get some laughs, marketing some of these nutty ideas.

This time, it’s personal.
And this time, it’s Gy-na’s turn.

Surely they can be more personalized - Trump and YOU!!! At prom, at a ball, one a cruise, gazing at the Northern Lights… The possibilities are endless!! Be the first one on your block…

Fine print: *No Fat Chicks

I had an idea early on for a “Trump Lie a Day” calendar. When he hit 30,000+ lies I realized that more than 80 lies on a page would blot out the white space. It’d look like one big slash with a wide sharpie.

I’d also like to submit “Man of Steal”

An image of a gold toilet full of unsuccessfully flushed documents.

(Bolding mine, he bashfully admits)
You had me wondering what the plural of penis is and that led to really inappropiate ideas. Remember: forget about this P&E or MPSIMS nonsense, when you open a thread about Trump, the right place to start is the Pit.

Oh crap (no pun intended), I just had a thought. What if he is testing the waters for selling NFTs of scanned images of top secret documents, the good stuff that the FBI didn’t find. :grimacing:

“Penises” in English, “Penes” in Latin.

Oh wow, I had seen that superhero NFT but I just learned this morning that there’s a whole huge collection of trump playing dressup. trump the NASCAR driver. trump the Top Gun pilot. trump the astronaut?!? Sure, let’s shoot him into space :laughing:

There are no less than two separate cowboy hat versions- one where trump has coveralls and camo on, holding a shotgun, hunting I guess, and another where he’s got a long white duster on with a sheriff’s badge.

Which gave me a great idea!

trump NFTs: Village People Edition!

I’m good with Photoshop, so I would actually create some parody NFTs of trump in the various Village Person outfits if I thought I could get away with it without getting sued by trumpco. Or even a parody website of them- complete with a cheesy 90s MIDI of ‘YMCA’ playing.