I’m grouchy and in pain and I need to bitch a little, but this is way too mundane and pointless to bother any friends or family with. Lucky Dopers.
Early this afternoon, I dismantled a bed frame: I was barefoot, as usual, and managed to stub the little toe of my right foot on the frame – it was more than stubbed, actually, because the toe wound up bloody and bruised (I half expected the nail to come off, but so far it’s still on there). It’s the worst I’ve ever damaged a toe, and I can’t believe how much it HURTS. This tiny appendage has demanded all of my attention for the past 6 hours!
The bleeding stopped in an average amount of time (thank og), but it’s still swollen and quite sore. I can walk ok, so I don’t think the toe is broken or anything, but it hurts all of the time. I really can’t imagine being able to wear normal shoes tomorrow; luckily my work environment is casual, so I can get away with the flip-flops I think I’m going to have to wear. However, tomorrow night I have a final exam, and the nearest parking lot is across campus … hmm, maybe I’ll splurge and park in the visitor’s garage (which is closer, but requires cash) instead of a regular student lot.
Ouch, dammit! :mad:
(Let all of the toe horror stories begin! :D)
Actually, if you wear regular shoes (if the toe isn’t too swollen) it might not hurt so much. They’ll help hold it in place. At least it’s worked for me a couple of times.
Good point. If I can get my walking shoes on over a cushy pair of socks, that will be my first choice. I’m just hoping that the morning brings continued recovery (and the ability to have my toe in the shower with me!): I don’t want to wake up feeling fine, just to be crippled the moment I get out of bed and try to walk to the bathroom.
I’m really no good with this injury stuff, because they happen so infrequently (I know, I know: poor me ;)).
I tore half the toenail off my big toe the first Sunday afternoon I wore sandals this spring. It hurt, it bled, it was embarassing-- but I came home, put a small bandaid on it that day and several more and a month later my toe is normal. (Of course, my toe was never stubbed or anything, I just lost part of my toenail painfully- and somewhat bloodily).
And then the next day- I poked a knife under my fingernail. No blood, but boy did I hurt.
I did call my mommy to tell her what a bad week I was having.
My toes are amazingly sensitive. I have stubbed my toe on something and walked around the house howling for 10 minutes before I would look down to see how bad I was bleeding. No blood - not even red. Something that hurts that bad ought to bleed!
There was no pain when I woke up, and walking around the house and taking a shower went very well, so I was encouraged … but then I put my shoes on. :eek: This little piggy does not want anything touching it, let alone pressing on it in any way. So, I took off my nice sweater and black pants and put on jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt. As I mentioned, my office is casual so I can pretty much wear what I want, but I generally don’t dress this casually on Mondays. I don’t look much like a grownup today, which kind of sucks because I’ll be addressing the company at our staff meeting in 2 hours.
But, I will fit in perfectly on campus when I take my exam tonight!
I’m a really bad patient, because everything bugs me: I don’t like the feel of anything like a bandage on me, so I hate wearing band-aids unless I absolutely have to. Likewise, I hate taping fingers/toes together because then I have two useless digits instead of just one.
I’m just a whiner when I’m hurt.
Holy crap! I’d call my mommy, too!
Because I usually walk around barefoot, I’ve stubbed my toes often enough to know that it hurts worse than it seems like it should. So when yesterday’s “incident” happened I figured it was just a regular stubbed toe, and it took me 10 minutes to realize that I was bleeding!
No doubt. If I had done this to my big toe I think I might have skipped work today!
Did the nail turn black first? I have nail polish on my toes, but I feel like I want to look at the nail; unfortunately, my toe is waaay too sensitive for me to remove the polish right now. The little bugger is bitching up a storm at the moment, just because I had the audacity to walk around today. Stupid toe. :mad: Tylenol PM, here I come…
Aww, thanks sweetie … make that tea the Long Island kind, and I’ll be right over!
I can sympathize. Objects in my house are always leaping out and attacking my toes. Sometimes they (my toes) end up bloodied and bruised, but usually I just hop around screaming and crying for a little while.
Right now I have a corn on the inside edge of my left pinky toe. I thought they were supposed to be on the outside edge. What the hell are these things? I’ve been putting those Dr. Scholl’s medicated disc things on it and it looks even worse than it did before. It’s turned all white and sticks out even more than it did before. I hope that’s what it’s supposed to do. It hurts to wear shoes but fortunately I can wear sandals most of the time. I don’t wear tight shoes but it looks like I need to find some with an even wider toe area.
Speaking from experience, is there any chance there’s blood trapped under the nail? Because that will make it hurt far, far more than anything else. If there is, it’s very easy to drill a small hole in the nail – drilling the hole doesn’t hurt, the blood drains out, and then your toe pain drops dramatically, too.
Plus if there’s blood trapped under the nail, the nail WILL fall off. Whereas if you drain it off, it might not.
I’ve banged up the same big toe nail twice badly enough that it came off both times. So you have my sympathy!
Would it be an “I can’t walk or even think about anything other than my toe” kind of hurt? Because right now it’s just feeling … well, bruised. Sore. Not on the outside (if that makes any sense), but more like I maybe sprained it or something. Sounds like it would hurt more, or at least differently, if there were blood under the nail…?
Sounds like Ghostbusters:
Venkman: Egon, this reminds me of that time you tried to drill a hole through your head…
Spengler: That would have worked if you hadn’t stopped me.
(Oh, and Kythereia: I just looked at your profile and noticed your age … let’s just keep my “special” tea request between us, 'k? … no need for anyone to find out that I encouraged you to purchase alcohol… ;))