About 800 small dogs and 80 parrots were seized from a trailer property outside of Tucson this week.
Eight. Hundred. Dogs. The mind boggles. The authorities are calling it one of the most extreme cases of hoarding ever.
The couple who owned the dogs had been selling some of them. That’s how they came to the authorities’ attention, when a woman who bought a dog from them took the puppy to the vet for kennel cough. The vet became suspicious and notified the authorities. But it mostly appears to be people who took in the dogs with good intentions and neglected to spay and neuter them.
Still. 800 dogs. And 80 birds. The good thing about this story is, the couple voluntarily signed the animals over. And according to the Humane Society, the dogs appear to be highly adoptable. As for the birds, here’s hoping they’ll get good homes, too.