"Overhype" versus prepared

A lot of people are saying this storm was “overhyped” by the news media. Or the National Weather Service. Or the Democrats (really).

In my little state, they shut down the roads, public transportation, and the government for a day or so, kept the interstates clear and started working on the side roads. The utility companies stationed cherry pickers throughout the state. A few locations selected on past storm damage were evacuated in advance.

And all the civilians bought all the bread, milk, beer, and cigarettes they could and binge watched bad t.v. for a day.

I don’t think the storm was overhyped; I think we were warned and we prepared and disaster was averted.

The down side is that the Wx people cried ‘wolf’ once again. That is all some need to amp up their stupid 10 notches or so.

Exactly. This is whats supposed to happen, hit or miss. Its not like anyone ever includes “practice drills” in their budget.

The only possible positive outcome for a blizzard-emergency preparedness situation is to be prepared for the worst case scenario and then having that worst-case scenario actually come to fruition. Anything else is either “overkill” or “under-prepared”. At least in terms of public perception.