Apparently, stuck in LV with nothing to do, Kerry passed the time playing Baccarat at $AU300,000 a hand. The billionaire, who has survived 7 heart attacks, snacked on hot dogs between games.
I wonder if when he wins it back - as he so often seems to do - he’ll be making a sizeable donation to our fire service as he did to our ambulances a few years ago.
For all the flack KP cops about his high profile gambling, at least he’s gambling his personal millions and not those of the company (unlike some of our other entrepreneurs), and he can’t be accused of being stingy where charity is concerned. IIRC correctly, he donated $10 million to the Children’s Hospital a couple of years ago and made a huge donation to establish a renal research unit to one of the hospital this year.
Hey, if KP wants to gamble away $60mil of his own personal fortune, then more power to him, I say. I don’t think he’s such a bad guy - I remember that terrible “Dirtiest Home Videos” show that he ordered off the air halfway through!