Deputy Attorney General James Comey today revealed that Jose Padilla confessed to being an agent of Al Qaeda, planning to blow up apartment buildings and construct radiological dirty bombs in a campaign of terror on American soil:
What the government did not say was that this “confession” came after months of brutal torture in which Mr. Padilla was subjected to electric shock, his flesh seared with hot irons, near drowning, and heavy doses of psychotropic drugs.
I have conclusive evidence of this torture, which I am not obligated to present here or anywhere. To do so would be inconvenient to my agenda, and would jeopardize my goal of evicting John Ashcroft from the Justice Department, as well as that chimpanzee from the White House.
You must accept my claims as true, because to do otherwise would brand you as a supporter of government torture and the weakening of the Bill of Rights. Furthermore, Ashcroft and Monkey Boy must be imprisoned without the unecessary delay of legal proceeeding or government hearings; the threat to our freedom is too great, and to drag this through the Congress or the courts would only allow Ashcroft and his goons to continue to torture citizens with impunity.
Will you join me in putting an end to the to the regime of Ayotollah Ashcroft once and for all, or do you support the forces of darkness that seek to blot out individual liberty from the face of this great nation?
So, let me get this straight. I am to trust your word that you have evidence, yet you will not share this because it would be inconvenient to “your” agenda?
Yeah. I think I will pass unless you show me the proof.
Ah, I get it. If Fear Itself should accept John Ashcroft’s claimed proof of Padilla’s guilt at face value despite his being handled outside the criminal justice system with very little transparancy, then we should accept his tongue-in-cheek claims of Padilla’s mistreatment in the same unquestioning manner.
I get the feeling your agenda looks a lot like: 12:30- Post crazy shit to the SDMB 12:35- Take nap while dopers discuss whether I’m sporting a foil chapeau, making a funny, or a combination thereof.
[sub]1:00- Profit![/sub]
Or, even more exactly, we shouldn’t accept his ‘proof’, and by analogy shouldn’t accept Ashcroft’s either. I admit I went ‘huh’ for a moment, but it seemed pretty clear what he was saying to me
I’m really getting sick of the tin foil jokes. It’s starting to get to the point that whenever a poster is accused of wearing a “tin foil hat”, I decide to automatically believe them.
Fear Itself bolded this part for a damn good reason.
Just in case you’re still confused: Padilla is an American citizen who was arrested right here in America. He has been kept in custody for 2 years and barred from legal representation for most of that term. There is no legal precedent for this, up until now.
There’s nothing stopping Ashcroft from doing the exact same thing to you or someone you love.
So please stop with the name-calling and partisan crap. You don’t have to be a left-winger to be very concerned about this!
I support the forces of darkness. From the Legion of Doom to Keyzer Soze, I’ve always supported the forces of darkness.
Let’s face it, when you want to get something done, whom do you turn to? The forces of darkness, that’s who. Those goody two-shoes, pansy-ass forces of light don’t do shit but talk. Less talk, more torture, says I.