Pandor's Prescription - Scam

A recent email solicited funds to assist the author of a book about “The Pandora Prescription” If a contrbuition was fprthcome they would send some conficential information regarding the book. Funds were to fight suppression of publication.
Elsewhere on the web several forums discussed Pandora’s Prescription as being socialized medicine for all ala H. R. Clinton.

Was the fund soliciting for real or just another fund raising scam?

Back during the Mississippi Bubble (one of the earliest stock manias), someone tried to raise stock “for an enterprise whose purpose will be revealed in due time.”

This sounds like the same thing. It’s, at the very least, a pig in a very suspicious poke. Why on Earth would anyone send money to something they know absolutely nothing about?

A. There’s a ______________ born every minute.

“Investor” begins with a vowel; therefore, you should use “an” instead of “a”. :wink: