PapSett, you're a fucking idiot

Here we go, you want people picking on you? Stick this right up your arse and swivel.

You’re a pathetic, puling excuse of a human being. You flounced from the Dope once before because people were being “Mean”. And by “mean” that was “not agreeing with you for whatever reason”.

Then you went to the Giraffe Boards where you sat there bitching about Dopers behind their backs, until the Giraffe Boards users were “mean” to you as well. And by “mean” that was “Suggesting perhaps you shouldn’t keep a new dog after you’d started a thread where you were going on and on about ‘Oh I’ve found this lovely new dog and he’s so adorable but I can’t keep him I simply mustn’t keep him I’m afraid I mustn’t keep him but he’s so adowable and I wuvs him’ shortly after having said you couldn’t deal financially or emotionally with the animals you did have” and so you flounced again, back to the Dope.

Now you’re at it again. You start a thread about breaking the ebay seller’s rules to pitch a bitch-fit at a user who claims that their child accidentally bid on an item, and who pulled out as soon as the listing closed, so you were able to immediately able to re-sell the item on to the second-highest bidder and are shocked, SHOCKED I say that she would respond with a negative rating in kind. Other posters who are long-term ebay sellers come back to you and say that back-outs are pretty common, if it’s a buyer who doesn’t have a proven history of jerking people around, you chalk it up and let it go, but that in this case you’re in the wrong by breaking Ebay’s seller’s rules to bitch this woman out.

Despite almost every single post being politely in disagreement, you pitch the epic mother of all whiny, buttmad fucking bitch fits and flounce out.

Listen here, bitch. There’s no grand conspiracy to gang up on you and drive you out. YOU WERE IN THE WRONG. People politely disagreed with you. People who have just as much if not more experience than you as sellers explained in polite language why they felt you were wrong, yet somehow that’s a grand conspiracy by the boards to pick on you?

You precious fucking snowfwake. Go soak your head.

:: golf clap ::

Very nice rant, and totally justified too!

The motion passes.

How can someone with over 900 sales on eBay not understand that if you bitch-slap a buyer, you’re going to get it back in spades? So somebody backed out: do you really have to have the last word and somehow get even with him? It was petty, and she deserved the retribution.

I’ve seen football stadiums smaller than her persecution complex.

Nice rant. Very good. If you had posted a few quotes from the thread, I would have suggested that you give lessons on how to compose a Pit OP. Well done, nonetheless.

I’m going to print this on a T-shirt in honor of this excellent pitting.

Girlfriend could use a truckload of Preperation H, just to deal with all of that butthurt.

I wasn’t as blown away by the pitting as the other posters here, but I honestly had no idea who this PapSett character is.

Overall a thorough and unique pitting, but I agree that quotes could have vastly improved it.

I’d never really encountered PapSett until the thread that precipitated this pitting: it just seemed so damned adolescent for her to jump ship when the responses she was getting were not affirmative!

Then going back and reading some of her other threads (she’d claimed that people were always mean to her when she started a thread, I just wanted verification etc) found that a) she’d vastly over-estimated the negativity she’d previously experienced, and b) Sierra Indigo was spot-on with her characterization as PapSett being a whiny, fucking idiot.

Ergo, this pitting is worthwhile, and the Australian judge gives it a 9.85/10…points lost for the use of the word ‘puling’. I’d never heard of it before so had to consult My embarrassment at having to do so earns a lesser score!


Yeah, South Aussies know how to pit!

isn’t that basically the reason your board exists? I mean, it must be considering the Dope snark threads are the only ones not entirely made of injokes too stupid to post here.

You shouldn’t be. She’s been grinding her axe for like three years snarking on PapSett over on the other board. She just got ammo worth bringing over here.

Though I will admit , the content of this pitting is totally fair.

So you’re… board stalking the OP so you can complain about her board stalking other people?

this really wasn’t clever enough for you to say it twice.

Is PapSett the one that posted about beating her dog?

Nice rant, but the OP loses points for the tired-ass “precious snowflake” routine.

Nitpick: I think it’s fair to say that there’s no way to know that a buyer has a history of jerking people around, now that buyers can’t get negged (even if they get a stack of NPB strikes, that’s still not really visible)


anywhistle, perhaps slightly deviating from the spirit of the thread, this thread by Papsett makes me pity her more than anything. for the tldr crowd, it’s a memorial thread marking the passing of two of her dogs, one of which died twenty years ago. i mean, good god.

don’t take me wrong. i’m an animal lover, and i’ve had pets ever since i was a kid. i’ve lost both dogs and cats over the years, and i miss them all and grieved their loss. but life goes on. it seems just a tad unhealthy to still be so emotionally attached to a dog that died two decades ago.

It’s not always a complex. *Some people really are persecuted. * It’s usually because they’re a dick.

Yikes. Soul mate? That is just sad and pathetic.