See story here.
This seems like something that could be easily verified. Seeing as she was a paralympian I would think there would be records/verification of her former paralysis. If true, this is pretty amazing.
See story here.
This seems like something that could be easily verified. Seeing as she was a paralympian I would think there would be records/verification of her former paralysis. If true, this is pretty amazing.
“Damn, there goes the gold.”
Amazing if true, but I’m reminded of this. (SFW movie clip.)
Paging Dr. Shuffhausen!
Look! She’s so happy she’s crying!
It reminded me of this movie. “Bloody do-gooders!”
I wonder what kind of, ehh… corrective injury she received on the second accident, whether her spine was affected or, as they mention, the peripheral nerves; if it’s a case of moving things around a bit, like a rusty electrical connection that you jiggle a bit to make it work or if the accident triggered some healing reaction.