Pardon while I bitch about fast food bastards

So lately I notice that Wendy’s no longer gives out ketchup packets unless you ask for them. And, they only give one napkin, even if you’ve ordered enough food for a family of 10! Cheap pennypinching bastards!

So then I go to a nearby KFC/A&W Siamese-twin-merger-gone-horribly-wrong thing. I hate those. But it was close. I pull up to the drive-thru, and before anyone gets on to take my order, I’m forced to listen to a 20 second ad! “Try out new blah-de-blah crappy sandwich.” WTF? I’m here already! You got me! I’m in line specifically to purchase food from you! What is the fucking purpose of making me listen to that crap? All is does is piss me off and make me less likely to come back. Stupid corporate bastards.

Then I’m at Carl’s Jr. The lady in the Suburban assault vehicle in front of me spends 10 minutes ordering for her massive pile of offspring. Then she’s in front of me for another 15 minutes waiting to get her stockpile. And she pays with a check. I just want a burger. But does pimpleface chicken-felcher at the window have her move up and wait so I can get out of there? Of course not. She just parks her big-ass truck there like she owns the world. People like that really piss me the hell off.

Then I drive past a Dairy Queen. There’s a sign on the marquee: “Cheesburgers - 2 for $2 or 2 for $3.” I kid you not. Hmmm. Let me think. Which do I want?

Makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide from the stupidity of the world.

Oh, yeah: fuck!

My words of wisdom? You won’t like them. Trust me. Scroll down. You really won’t like what I have to say. But, I’m a bitch and I’m going to say it anyway:

Don’t eat there!

Don’t eat at fast food places!


End of idea.

Bag a lunch. Fix yourself some good vittles. The arteries you save WILL be your own.

Sorry, Mom.

I figure what the hell. I already blew out my gall bladder and had to get it removed. Let’s see how much my liver can take now!! Woo-hoo! I like to think of it as donating my body to science prehumously.

lol I think Byzantine might be right, lay off the fast food crap for awhile.

You think the lady in the Suburban assault vehicle with the massive pile of offspring was enjoying herself, waiting in line for half an hour with a million screaming kids while Carl’s figures out which is their ass and which is the hole in the ground? She was sitting there thinking, “Should have gone to Taco Bell–they can hand you a bag of tacos and beep your check while Carl’s is still figuring out how to work the speakerphone.”

They always fuck you at he drive-thru!

Yep, the drive through is the worse place.

And for the record, when any of those fuckwads tell me to move my car over to the side because my order is taking to long, I never do it. I can’t fucking stand that shit. I simply say, “no, I’d rather not.” Then, they just walk away accepting their defeat. It feels quite exhilarating.

…They know that you are going to be a half mile away before you discover they’ve screwed up your order!

…I’m not eating this!..That’s it! I’m not eating this!

What pisses me off is when they serve someone who ordered after you did, from the window behind the serving window. Then the next person… then the next person. THEN give you your order.

And for the record, I do not think a plain double burger should be that difficult for Wendy’s.

Ah, vandal, so you were the cock-sucker who made my life ever more miserable when I served my time at the local franchise fast food eatery. You’re not asked to pull forward because we don’t like you, it’s because–get this–we don’t have your fuckin’ food ready. It’s coming, believe me, people are indeed working on it, but it’s going to be a couple minutes. Meanwhile, the next three orders behind you consist of a large coke, two apple pies, and a senior citizen’s coffee–all shit that is readily available.

Look, man, I understand that the world revolves around you and whatnot, but you’re not the only person waiting in line. Why should multiple people suffer because your chicken nuggets are still frying?

And for the record, I only got someone like you once. I told them that that was fine, and explained that I would be telling everyone behind them that you didn’t feel like moving. I then served the next four or five cars by walking outside, past that car (I waved a few times) and apologized for that person’s rudeness. That car waited maybe twice as long as it would have if it had played along and pulled forward. Also, had I not intervened in the back, the food that that person received would not have met franchise quality levels, if you catch my drift. It’s never wise to fuck with the people preparing your food.

Thanks, Pantology. Well said.

If I may summarize? . . .
Christ in a jack-o-lantern. If it’s so fucking bad, every goddamn time then DONT FUCKING GO BACK!! Learn to fix your own goddamn food or give it a fucking rest!
:pant . . . pant . . . wheeze:

thanks, just needed to vent. Carry on.

Every damn time I go to Taco Bell, the same exact person is there. Everytime I go, I order Nachos Bell Grande NO tomatos and EXTRA sour cream. The fucking guy calls me by NAME for chissake’s. But can my order be taken right? Hell no! There’s ALWAYS, every single god damn time, tomatos on my nachos. And everytime I have to send it back and wait for a new one to be made. It’s FAST FOOD! Make it fast, I don’t have a lot of time to be wasting on you goat sodomizing assholes. If you’ve “helped” me enough times to know my damn name, you should know what I want. Come on, it’s not like I don’t TELL you every single fucking time.

Fucking smilies.

I disagree… the take you into the washroom and THEN they fuck you.

Why are you all staring at me like that?? :wink:


Well, fuck! It’s not like I’m going to these places 3 meals a day 7 days a week! It’s just life. I gotta eat there sometimes. And a lot of times it ends up pissing me off. So after one of those episodes I came here and expressed my frustration. Exuuuuuuuuse meeee!


Quite all right. That’s what we’re here for.

Well, I suppose the only remaining question is why do you “gotta” do something that pisses you off so much of the time?

How’s this for the current state of our “young people”:

I go to a Burger King (inside, not the drive-through) and place my order. The total is $3.81. I give the cashier (17-yr girl) a five dollar bill and a penny. She’s gives me the penny back and says, “Don’t worry about it.” I’m (stupidly) thinking she’s going to spot me the penny. WRONG!! She gives me $1.19 back in change!! I said, “I had the penny!” To which she replies, “Well, you were going to get back change anyway” WTF!? I said, “Yeah, but I didn’t want so much of it!” This, of course, gets one of those shrugs a less-sane person person would reply to with a large caliber weapon.

I’m REALLY hoping the fast-food robots will be here soon and I won’t have to deal with idiots like this anymore.

BTW, before you flame me, I know I don’t have to go to these places and I know I shouldn’t expect to be waited on by a bunch of Einsteins, but, COME ON, simple change transactions like this??? Apparently there was no picture on the screen explaining how to do this!

This behavior isn’t limited to fast food and drive-ins.

Four of us order three Cokes and a Sprite. The waitress brings the tray over. She doesn’t recall who gets which drink, so we raise our hands, Coke, Coke, Coke and I’m not kidding, with Cokes in front of three people, she asks “who gets the Sprite?”. !!!

Same waitress, as we’re paying. Julie’s bill was $4.05 – she hands over a $5 bill and a nickel. Waitress gets out the calculator!

Joan yelled at me for leaving a tip – “it just encourages them, dammit, that girl needs to go back to school!”

I figure the poor woman must have been having a really bad day – no one could be so distracted and make it out of their house alive.

Both at Mickey D’s, surprise surprise.

Two cheeseburgers, no pickles, medium iced tea. I receive a coke, and sis recommends I check my order. Yep, there’s pickles all right. So I drive around again and explain. They take my bag back and make two brand-new “three cheesburgers, no pickles”, and slap them into the same bag on top of the pickled burgers. Now what the hell am I supposed to do with 2 extra burgers?

Story two:

Used to live near a kinda ritzy suburb of DC where parents thought that fast food would be a nifty place for their spoiled rotten teenyboppers to learn responsibility.

Ordered a salad and an iced tea. Received a bag that weighed approximately 8 pounds. Looked in my rear-view mirror at the club cab truck with 4 ?construction workers? in it. Asked the pimply faced nimrod to check my order as the bag is awfully heavy.

“Oh, it’s right”, said in that particularly sarcastic tone of voice only teenyboppers have.

So I happily drive away to home where I open the bag to discover 4 quarter pounders and 2 Big Macs. Last time I visited THAT hell hole, I can assure you.

I don’t have kids, I’m not the coach of a little league team, nor am I on my lunch break ordering for my whole fucking department. So when I order, I order for myself. This consists of a simple fucking combo meal.

And this ain’t the combo meal that no one ever gets either. Not that fish sandwich or teriyaki bowl shit. This is one of those “burger, fries, and a drink” meals. So when I place this order, the employees shouldn’t be scrambling for the shit that’s needed. The order should practically already be made.

There should be an assload of fries in that tray ready to be scooped into the large fry box, and there should be a patty ready to be made into a burger. But is this how it is? No.

Do you work fast food? Judging by your reply, it sounds like you do. Maybe you got it together there. Maybe you can get the food out quick. Unfortunately, you’re not serving me.

I’ve gotta wait for my chola clerk to finish chatting with her fellow chola co-worker before I get my shit. She wants me to move over to the side? She can suck my crack before I do.