Parents reveal reasons behind their children's tantrums.

Some of these are pretty funny. The kid crying because he couldn’t pick up the book he’s sitting on and the girl upset because she was handed the wrong pink marker reminds me of my kids at that age.

It certainly helps to have a sense of humor raising kids. I wish memes had been a thing in the 1990’s. There were certainly days I needed to laugh at the absurdity of kids behavior.

I have to agree with the kid that the Golden Gate bridge isn’t worth a trip. I’d be very disappointed if I drove hundreds of miles out of my way to see it. I’d resist the urge to throw a tantrurm. LOL

Good stuff - thanks!

Those are funny! In all fairness though, I think I’d have a meltdown if a llama stuck his face in mine.

These lists are periodically posted to Reddit and a few others. They’ve been around for years now.

There used to be a guy who regularly posted his son’s meltdowns, with reasons, on his blog. I can’t remember the name of the blog. But apparently, for a period, it was a regular, daily thing and the blog was his way of staying sane through it.