What happens when private mail carriers (UPS, FedEx) get Parking Tickets? Are they somehow exempt? do they pay and then write off/pass costs on to consumers?

In some cities… don’t know how many… police departments don’t bother to write a ticket to a UPS truck that is parked illegally (e.g. double parked) as a professional courtesy. The same goes for most trucks who are loading or unloading cargo. I think they realize that sometimes these drivers have to park illegally to do their job and it’s not a big deal since they usually move on after a short period of time anyway.

Any UPS drivers out there would could back me up on this?

I would imagine that for UPS trucks and the like that are parked for only a few minutes, the police might not ticket them, but I’m pretty sure when they are parked for an extended period of time they will. I know in DC trucks do get tickets regularly, though I don’t know about UPS/FedEx, etc. specifically. Many companies look at parking tickets as simply part of the cost of doing business.