People are posting parodies of someone else’s idiocy, but they DON’T post a link to the original in the “parody” thus generating a bunch of angry responses.
Sparc does this here, but he’s by no means the only one.
Yes, I “fell for it”. Yes, I was wooshed (and I’m not the only one who did). Yes, I’m getting pissed by this trend. And, once I got the fucking link, yeah, it was very well done. Until then, it was as much a troll as if he’d posted thread titled “Nigger Queers Must Die”, just to see the responses. And he’s by no means the only person who’s done this.
And it isn’t sour grapes about the fact that I fell for it, I’ve bitched about this before, see here.
I wanna know, parodists, how exactly, it undermines the artistry of your satire to post a fucking link as a PS after your post? The first reason that would come to mind, if I didn’t consider the otherwise exemplary nature of the posters doing this, is that if you do, you won’t get the same angry reaction from other posters. Which, pretty much, is what the standard definition of trolling is. (I was wondering if Sparc had gone insane in the other thread).
I know the people doing this don’t have trolling as their intent, but intent doesn’t matter in this case. I think it’s just a habit, but it’s a habit it’s long past time to break.
I’m NOT saying to stop these parody threads, they’re funny and effective once you share the joke, I’m just saying “Post a goddamned link in the OP so everyone can be in on the joke.”
Fenris, prepared for being called a humorless fuck.
Don’t you realize how much work it takes to write a successful, genuinely humorous parody? Here’s a hint: try it some time, and see how long it takes you. Nobody has time to searcch for the original page, let alone dick around trying to code the url properly.
Of course, if you ever took the effort to write one of these things, you’d know this. Until you do, you don’t get an opinion.
[sub]Yes, I’m being facetious here, but meanwhile, count me in the camp of people who think it breaks the humor.[/sub]
Sort of, though. I can see an OP without link. But a couple of wooshes is enough: he should have posted the link in his first response after the OP, and not wait for someone else to do it.
Then again, I don’t think it’s that big a deal, really.
What’s the point of not putting the link in? It only takes seconds and it ensures that the post won’t be considered trolling. How is deliberately trying to mislead your fellow Dopers by posting outrageous statments for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of them NOT trolling and/or jerkish behavior?
And frankly, it seems pretty cowardly: “I’m gonna mock someone, but I’m not gonna say who.”
Some Guy:
How would having an underline in the first word or sentence (from a URL) “undermine the humor”, unless the ‘humor’ is in trolling your fellow Dopers?
I tend to agree with you in general but there was a different flavour to Sparc’s in so much as the parody was (presumably) partly intended to demonstrate the reaction the original post could have generated if the roles (continents, in this case) were reversed.
I thought it hit the spot in this case but things do get out of hand pretty quickly in the Pit – tricky game, need to watch those knees jerking.
IMHO the context, in this case, merited the lack of a link (at least for a while) but, as a general rule, I think the whoosed Ferris is probably right
Then don’t click on the link that should be manditory.
How do you know if there is an original? Had Freakfreely posted the OP of his infamous “meltdown” post today, we’d be wondering if it was a parody. Every single word that Sweetwilly or CuriousGeorge* ever wrote reads like a parody.
I agree with spooge’s comment about taking people’s words at face value.
*I think it was CuriousGeorge…if it wasn’t, substitute the name of the “Gang of Four” member who was the loon who thought that GWB’s Texas accent was part of a mind-control program.
Well, if the idea is to see how many people you can fool, then bully for you. Seems the parody would be just as effective if a link was hidden, say in a smiley.
My intent was not only to ridicule the poster in question, but also to provoke a reaction showing how offensive the original was. Therefore I let the first couple of posts fly with the intent to use them for as base for a continued parody (see below). Sailor posted the woosh link pretty early on, way before you posted for instance Fenris! I would have surmised that this was enough, but no. Generally speaking the woosh word was in the air from the very get go Tomndebb hesitated on it and ArlanzaCharles tentatively proposed it. Not only that, the first friggin’ reply by Manhattan was obviously indicative of the fact that it had been understood to be satire and parody. Hence, I truly thought that most people would catch on pretty soon.
Further I totally disagree with Fenris as regards the need for a link.
A) The fact that it is in the Pit should be enough to give caution.
B) It’s not just the OP that is the parody in the best of cases, but the whole thread. Not long ago Libertarian and I carried on for a couple of pages, albeit on a somewhat less offensive subject. People seemed to appreciate it a lot as entertainment. There were those that still thought I was wooshed after my fourth post. My idiocies in response to Lib’s, gave Lib the comical foil he needed to continue the parody. In the end it was very efficient, the target of Lib’s parody completely changed tack in his debating style in GD, much to the benefit of reason and sensibility.
C) Personally I feel the way Mangetout does, it ruins some of the fun - but that’s a matter of taste I guess.
My point exactly, although we seem to have different ways to a solution. By browsing over a few posts you usually see if the poster has a tendency to be whacky and absurd, or blatantly offensive. Now I might be abusive when personally provoked or faced with what I just parodied at times, but I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a post on these boards that I made which was bigoted, xenophobic or downright offensive in the ways of Mr. ElJeffe. Hence the response would be either ‘Lost it now Sparc?’ or ‘Parody eh?’ I’m not saying this is a must, it ruins premise B of my parody premises if everyone does search, but before one goes ahead and takes apart an OP with as much rigor as you did, it might be a sane way to save oneself some waste of time (if one accepts that a link is not a must be solution in the OP).
I’m truly sorry if you feel that I made a fool out of you Fenris, that was never my intent, but in my opinion you should have followed Sailor’s link and had some alarm bells go off already after reply 1 by Manhattan – before you pressed submit reply.
And for what it’s worth I don’t think your reaction warrants calling you a humorless fuck. In parts my parody was maybe a little too subtle in the absurd clues towards that that it was parody, without catching those and viewing the rest from that vantage point there is not much that is funny with what I wrote. Unfortunately the original contained the reverse offensiveness and wasn’t even a joke.
So things posted in the Pit should always be taken with a grain of salt? I would understand this if you were talking about MPSIMS, but the Pit? Most threads posted in there are done so by people trying to get something off their chest. It’s viewed as a serious forum, not a “fun” forum, although the bickering and name-calling can be entertaining.
I dunno. There are different fora for different reasons. If you’re going to post a parody without a cite (therefore posting it for the purpose of fooling people), it seems the right place for one would be in MPSIMS. That is, if you just want to be entertaining. Seems to me that if you don’t want to post any kind of link, your main goal is to fool as many people as possible. And that is trolling.
PS to Munch: Damned if I know! I’m just a clueless yob.
dantheman, posting a parody as provocative as mine in MPSIMS, would be trolling IMHO - not only that, but also a bannable offense given the content of my parody. Posting with the sole intent to fool people that this is my opinion would be as well.
Posting with the intent to make a point as to how idiotic or offensive the original is by creating a reaction is not.
In any case you can’t just isolate a thread or a post and say that it constitutes trolling. Trolling is a behavior after all, not just content. Actually in a way it is the consistent lack of consistency in content coupled with provocative behavior, no?
But who am I to judge, I’d rather say that it is up to the powers that be to decide what trolling is, and then give us due warning if what seems to be the consensus has changed. As far as I had understood it, parody without a link does not fall within that definition, but I might be wrong.
And yes, one should be wary as to what one reads in the Pit, because we have a wide variety of uses for the Pit. To me the Pit is just a place where I can take it or be taken if it gets out of hand in GD. Then again I mostly post in GD, sometimes in GQ and when so inclined or required in here. To others the Pit is a place to freely rant and rave about the world. Both are fine as far as I go, but since I know that we read it differently, I tend to apply some measure of salt when reading an OP in the Pit. More than anywhere I have my sarcasm and irony meter switched to highest sensibility all the time, which I absolutely do not have in GD.
I agree with Fenris. There is no gain in making people who are not, in fact, idiots, look like idiots. If we have done something to deserve mocking, then mock away. Otherwise go fuck yourself.
But this is trolling. By definition. Trying to “provoke a reaction” is the whole point of trolling. (I’m not saying you’re a troll: one incident does not a troll make). But this is the standard, common-use definition of trolling, and that’s what I object to. I don’t want to have to do a search on every single post in the Pit or elsewhere to find out if the post is a troll or a real, honest-to-gosh meltdown.
Lookit…um…< blank >, (had several near-meltdowns in the Pit, posted very classy apology saying he’d stay out of the Pit forthwith…I know I’ll remember the name five seconds after I post.) Several of his posts sounded exactly like these parody posts, he was (and is) a respected poster.
What this sort of thing does is start to undermine the basic sense of trust and community that the place has. I don’t want to read every single post wondering “Ok, does he mean this or is he jes’ funnin’”
We used to regularly get trolls who’d come in, be argumentative and then say “Ahh, I was jes’ joking.”. How is this different (other than the fact that you’re not a troll and your intent WASA to joke
I tend to read and react, I generally don’t go through the entire thread before posting a response unless it’s a debate where the point might have been made.
Given how much searches slow down the board, I’d just as soon see a link.
Well, for one, satire and parody aren’t funny unless you’re familiar with the source material. Chevy Chase playing Gerald Ford and stumbling about wouldn’t be funny unless you knew who Gerald Ford was. Your post, in retrospect, WAS funny to me. But not until I’d viewed the source material.
“[…] a bannable offense given the intent of my parody.”
(In as much as that it was a flame post directed at ElJeffe. That ElJeffe’s post verges on bannable for grounds of racism by ways of xenophobia and hence that my parody emulates that doesn’t make it less so)
If you’re mainly pointing out the absurdity of something (i.e., parodying), then of course you’re not trolling. But if you’re posting something without leaving any kind of clue that that is what you’re doing, then you’re deliberately trying to fool people into thinking that your post is serious. Which is trolling, IMO.
Actually, you can. No, not one post, but certainly people have been called out for trollish behavior over the course of one thread. Doesn’t take more than one thread to exhibit this behavior at all.
You might be right - if I get a clear definition of trolling that doesn’t cover what you’ve done, then never mind. My impression, though, is that this does fall under the definition.
It’s also worth mentioning, though, that this would be the most benign form of trolling, if it indeed is classified as such. I realize you’re just being entertaining, not mean-spirited (as many trolls are).